Dropbox syncing working selectively in office environment [followups in private email]

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

We have 13 folks on 1Password in our office (mixed between App Store and standalone versions). We're using a shared Dropbox to sync the 1Password. We have two vaults, one used by all 13 people, and one used by 3 people. We have had sporadic issues with syncing, but yesterday we had everyone check the number of passwords they had and there were big discrepancies despite Dropboxes being up to date.

What are the next steps to resolving this issue?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ralpheweotto‌

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble keeping things synced up here. The best way to get this sorted out is to reset sync, but with 13 people it could get a bit messy. By any chance is there one computer that has the 'master' copy with all the passwords (or the most up-to-date copy of the vault)?

  • ralpheweotto
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan,

    Team members add items to 1Password as they are created, so if it is not syncing there would be no master copy. Is there any other way to resolve this?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ralpheweotto‌

    Darn, I had my fingers crossed that someone's computer might hold all the answers. In that case, we're going to need to take a bit of a closer look at your 1Password ecosystem there. Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report from 3 or 4 of the office computers?


    Then attach the files to an email to us: support+forum@ agilebits .com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • ralpheweotto
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan‌,

    I just sent in the diagnostic files! Ticket #FXJ-58857-717.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ralpheweotto‌

    Thanks so much for following up here! We'll keep the conversation going directly via email so that we don't get things tangled up between here and there - someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible! :)

This discussion has been closed.