Trouble with

Rob Rosenhouse
Rob Rosenhouse
Community Member

I'd like to set up 1Password to work with The landing page of PNC asks for a username, but this does not seem to be saved in 1Password. The next page asks for a password, and this DOES get saved. I read the article about multiple page logins, but I am having issues understanding it.

Can someone walk me thru the process of getting 1Password to work with and similar two page authenticated websites?



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2014

    Hi Rob,

    Can you try manually saving a Login item on the main page (with the User ID field) and use that item to fill there later? After a success fill/submit on the main page, you should then be able to use the other item you've already saved to fill the Password field on the second page and submit it.

    For sites with multi-page logins, it's often best to start with manually saving (and later using) a separate Login item on each page. After that's successful, there may be ways of combining separate items into a single one that can be used on every page. At the moment I'm unable to see if that might work with the PNC Bank site because they say:

    We're improving our site! Online and Mobile banking will be out of service between 12 am - 7am ET for scheduled maintenance.

    Later, gator. :)

    Please let us know if you'd like more help with this or have other questions -- thanks!

  • jconnor
    Community Member

    PNC does not require multiple questions with an old computer.

  • jconnor
    Community Member

    PS. 1 Password needs to work this incompatibility out with PNC.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jconnor,

    We do our best but banks are often the most incompatible and the toughest to troubleshoot due to how hard it is to create valid accounts. I know for a fact that we've looked into the logistics of creating an account at all the major places and the red tape is unbelievable.

    Can I ask. What version of 1Password are you running and what approaches have you tried that did not yield a working Login item?

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