New Product Request: 1Password for Linux [In Progress]



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ranjeetsodhi: Just to expand on what RichardPayne suggested, if your 1Password data is stored in Dropbox, you can use 1PasswordAnywhere through the Dropbox website to access your vault. It just doesn't work from the local filesystem due to browser restrictions. Cheers! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ranjeetsodhi: Unfortunately we don't have anything to announce for Linux. If we were to do a Linux version in the future though, I guarantee that you will hear about it. It isn't up to me, but I'd think that an open beta would be a good fit for the Linux community. And again, I'm speaking hypothetically. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up prematurely!

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You could just get an nvidia card. :tongue:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RichardPayne: I lol'd :p

    @ranjeetsodhi: Yeah, Linux drivers aren't exactly at the top of the list for bleeding edge graphics hardware... 1PasswordAnywhere can be handy in many situations. But it was developed with compatibility in mind, so it isn't exactly super-hot Web3000 (which I just made up). It's a great 'last resort' option.

  • mb_nextworth
    Community Member

    +1 from me for Linux support

  • spooki
    Community Member

    Keeping the post alive. Linux awaits! At least I hope so.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for letting us know you want 1Password on Linux. We appreciate your interest! :)

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Excellent news @ranjeetsodhi

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    ships in the Ubuntu 15.04 PPA repository, and has been back-ported to Ubuntu 14.04

    @ranjeetsodhi: Well, that was a roller-coaster ride! For a minute there it sounded like LTS wasn't going to get it at all. All's well that ends well. :)

    Yesterday I was finally able to run 1Password (via Wine), along with my Catalyst driver, in full 4K glory on dual monitors using Ubuntu 15.04.

    That sounds beautiful. :blush:

  • one337
    Community Member

    +1 for Linux (Ubuntu)

  • Ben

    Thanks! :)

  • SnoFox
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    Had to sign up to the forums simply to say: +1 for Linux.

    But then I felt like you should know how I use 1Password: I drift between what my primary OS is depending on my current project or hobby. If I'm working, I'm using my Mac. If I'm gaming, I'm using Windows. If I'm programming for myself, I'm using Linux. 1Password originally caught my eye while I was on Linux. It was shiny, but the lack of Linux support made me move on.

    Here I am again, during a gaming fit, and I've bought a 1Password license for Mac/Windows. Reading some of the early comments from 2011, it sounds like the AgileBits was afraid to invest resources into a Linux application as they were uncertain on how it works. It's actually not terrible. Pick a GUI framework and make a pretty interface; port your crypto code to it; and whatever magic is required for the browser helper. It'll work on any Linux distro. From there, you can look into providing your own packages (and that'll make people really happy ^.^).

    I just want to note that I am even willing to buy another license for a proper Linux version, rather than finding a 3rd party application. 1PasswordAnywhere is okay, but I'm too spoiled with your desktop apps :P

    One other thing I'd recommend is a Chrome app, if you're able to access the local filesystem from there. But you'd be leaving out Firefox users at that point, and that's a bad thing(tm).

    Just my two cents (plus potentially $50 for another license ;])

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @SnoFox: Welcome! And thanks for joining us! :+1:

    But then I felt like you should know how I use 1Password: I drift between what my primary OS is depending on my current project or hobby. If I'm working, I'm using my Mac. If I'm gaming, I'm using Windows. If I'm programming for myself, I'm using Linux.

    Very cool. The best tool for the job, as they say! ;)

    Reading some of the early comments from 2011, it sounds like the AgileBits was afraid to invest resources into a Linux application as they were uncertain on how it works. It's actually not terrible. Pick a GUI framework and make a pretty interface; port your crypto code to it; and whatever magic is required for the browser helper. It'll work on any Linux distro.

    It sounds like you speak from experience, and it's good to have that kind of perspective! Mainly, we are a small company, and while we've grown over the last few years it's primarily been to keep up with developments on the platforms we already support. We are always considering our options, and it may be worthwhile to tackle Linux in the future. We're just not there yet.

    I just want to note that I am even willing to buy another license for a proper Linux version, rather than finding a 3rd party application. 1PasswordAnywhere is okay, but I'm too spoiled with your desktop apps :P

    I hear you. 1PasswordAnywhere is nice to have, but nothing beats a native app.

    One other thing I'd recommend is a Chrome app, if you're able to access the local filesystem from there. But you'd be leaving out Firefox users at that point, and that's a bad thing(tm).

    If you mean ChromeOS (and possibly a truly cross-platform browser-based app), I know others have expressed interest as well. Firefox is great, but it isn't the powerhouse it used to be, and their OS is still in its infancy. Still, food for thought!

    Just my two cents (plus potentially $50 for another license ;])

    Indeed. And we appreciate your support! :chuffed:

  • beaker
    Community Member

    +1 for linux ubuntu

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the vote! :)

  • marioareias
    Community Member

    You guys are hard, huh? Eighteen pages (and counting!) of people requesting Linux support and you are still strong in don't do it. I hope you guys change your mind and start to listen us :)

  • calebwalker
    Community Member

    I was thinking the same thing. How many votes are you looking for??

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @marioareias: I'm sorry if you've been given the impression that we're not listening! In fact we are, but that doesn't net us any more resources than what we have at our disposal, I'm afraid. Maybe we will find another vespene geyser to allow us to construct additional pylons... ;)

    @calebwalker: Along the same lines, we aren't actively soliciting votes (although U.K. politicians sure are busy these days!); but we are happy to accept feedback, so that if and when we find ourselves ready to take on another platform it can help steer us in the direction our awesome customers want! :chuffed:

  • AlphaNerd
    Community Member

    Based on the work I'm doing I find myself moving away from Mac and far more into Ubuntu and Linux in General. I add my +1 for a Linux port of 1Password. I'd really prefer to keep using this awesome product vs. having to find and migrate to something else (assuming there is anything else that can be as good).


  • cmroanirgo
    Community Member
    edited May 2015

    @brenty. There is a rather simple solution to use 1Password Anywhere without the need to Condoleezza Rice's DropBox.
    Considering that many people using Linux are ok with 'tinkering at the command line', these instructions shouldn't prove too hard. Nevertheless, these instructions will work on any platform with python installed. (I tested this on my Mac, for instance)

    The general solution is that you can run a local webserver from any folder using python using the following command from a terminal.
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to where you keep your 1Password files.
    eg cd ~/Sync/1Password.agilekeychain
    2. Then type the following:
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8181

    Then all you need to do is open your browser to http://localhost:8181/1Password.html
    (Press Ctrl+C at the terminal to stop it... obviously)

    That said, a native implementation (or cross platform browser extension) which would allow write access would be ideal.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @cmroanirgo: I prefer to use my own Dropbox, but to each his (or her) own, I suppose. ;)

    Of course native is (usually) best. I believe RichardPayne has mentioned running a local web server before for this purpose as well. But Python is fairly ubiquitous, so this could be a cool, practical solution for some people. Thanks for sharing! :pirate:

  • KeitIG
    Community Member


    Just registered to let you know my company is about to use 1password from now. All are designers and hype .psd slicers with shiny Macs, and we're not a lot of devs using Linux. I would enjoy to have a 1password for Linux, using a gui or a command line interface, I don't care. I really don't want to go back to Windows, and I don't like Mac.

    (Just an idea like that: if you don't like gtk and other Linux things, you might consider using nw.js or electron, always great for cross-platform apps !)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    KeitIG: Thanks for the info! And we appreciate your interest (and your teammates'!) Cheers! :)

  • mcilvena
    Community Member

    Before I throw in the towel on 1Password, is there any chance Linux support is anywhere on the Roadmap?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mcilvena ,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're thinking about throwing in the towel! We would truly hate to lose you as a user.

    Unfortunately, I can't say much more than has already been stated in this thread: we're thrilled to see that users are interested in seeing a version of 1Password built for the Linux platform, but we have nothing to announce at this time.

    If you're a Linux user, many users have been able to use 1Password for Windows in WINE, and there is advice and instructions in this thread that can help you make that happen.

    I wish I had a better answer for you, but I hope this helps. :)

  • jpm-wants-linux
    Community Member

    I'm gonna have to give up and shift to lastpass now. Lack of Linux support is the reason. Shame - loved the product. Might come back when you support it but from the length of this thread and its age, doesn't look like you ever will.

This discussion has been closed.