Best Way to Move Dropbox Folder?

Community Member

I'm using 1Password for Mac & iOS.
I am wanting to move all 1Password files out of the root folder and into a folder named "1Password" that is nested inside of the "Apps" folder on Dropbox.

What is the quickest and easiest way to do this?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    1. Disable Dropbox syncing in 1Password on your iOS device(s).
    2. Disable Dropbox syncing in 1Password on your Mac but DO NOT check the box to "Delete data from Dropbox".
    3. Move 1Password.agilekeychain in your Dropbox folder to the location you prefer.
    4. Enable Dropbox sync again and point 1Password to the new location if it doesn't automatically detect it.

    Let me know how it goes. :)

  • dot
    Community Member

    @khad, that worked but I still have '.ws.agile.1Password.settings' in my root. Will that always be there? :-(

  • Hi @dot,

    If you're using a 1Password version prior to 4th version, yes, it is required to have that file in the root of the Dropbox folder. It's used to help 1Password find the data file in a non-standard location.

    If you're using 1Password 5 for iOS and 1Password 4 for Mac, then you can delete that file, and it should still sync without that pointer.

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