Syncing issues with secondary vault
I cannot sync the secondary vault I have on my MacBook Pro and have it transfer over to the 1password app I have on my iMac. I am using DropBox for syncing.
Where is the issue happening ?
This help topic may be of benefit to you. At least until you can give us a little more to go on.
Troubleshooting Dropbox syncing0 -
I think things may have gotten screwed up when I updated to iOS 8. I originally had syncing via iCloud until I updated to iOS8. I jumped the gun with iOS8 and turned on cloud drive then all my syncing got screwed up. I turned it off and the issue was pretty much solved by re-syncing with DropBox. But now my Vaults are not syncing. BTW, I tried the secure note test in the "Troubleshooting Dropbox syncing" link you posted above and it worked. I am assuming something got screwed in the whole cloud drive fiasco.
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In order to get this sorted out, I'll need to know a little bit more about your 1Password ecosystem:
- What are the version numbers of 1Password and your operating system for all computers and devices running 1Password?
- Just to confirm: have you enabled Dropbox sync in Preferences > Sync for each vault? (Please note that secondary vaults are synced separately, so you will need to open Preferences while viewing the secondary vault in order to set up sync).
- How many vaults do you currently have in play? iCloud sync could only ever sync your primary vault, so switching from iCloud to Dropbox wouldn't have changed much with respect to your secondary vault.
The more detail you can provide, the more quickly we'll be able to get you sorted out! :)