Yosemite Bug: The system launched an incorrect version of 1Password mini

Community Member

After upgrading to Yosemite, for some bizarre reason, a version of 1Password mini from a backup drive is getting launched, instead of the version in the applications folder.

Deleting parts of the backup isn't an option, for (hopefully) obvious reasons.

Any fixes??????? 1Password is pretty much useless like this.


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sandymcg‌,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with 1Password mini.

    When using 1Password in Yosemite, you need to make sure that you have a single instance of 1Password on your hard drive(s)(mounted hard drives too).

    Here's how to fix this:

    • Make sure that you have a copy of 1Password 5 in your /Applications folder
    • Quit 1Password and 1Password mini.
    • Trash (do not use app cleaning utilities) or archive (zip) all other copies of 1Password from your hard drive(s).
    • Make sure that there is no copy of 1Password in the Trash either. So empty the Trash if that's the case.
    • Launch 1Password. it should work fine.

    I hope that this will help us solve the issue.



  • sandymcg
    Community Member

    Like I said, messing with the backup system isn't an option. Not even slightly. There will be multiple copies of the app on drives that are visible.

    So plan B required.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Hi @sandymcg,

    Thank for getting back to me so quickly!

    My apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, there is no workaround or plan B: it is the only known solution for this problem.

    With Yosemite came launchd 2.0 which is responsible (the parent process) for all processes and apps. Since launchd 2.0, there is no guarantee which instance of 1Password mini is launched when 1Password (the main app) starts. That's why it is crucial to keep a single copy of 1Password available on all your hard drives.



  • Edward Marrow
    Edward Marrow
    Community Member

    How do I quite 1Password Mini?
    I have multiple 1Password folders in Applications, none of them 5, but the App icon outside of the folders is 5. Can I safely delete the multiple folders?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You can quit 1P mini by closing 1P using ⌃⌘Q (ctrl+cmd+q).

    As to the "multiple 1Password folders in Applications" I suspect someone from AgileBits may ask you to send a diagnostic report, or at least provide more details, but it's best to wait for someone from AgileBits to chime in. Sorry to be able to help only with your first question!


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Edward Marrow‌,

    By "multiple 1Password folders in Applications" do you mean multiple instances of "1Password.app", "1Password 4.app" or "1Password 5.app"? If that's the case, you can safely trash (do not use app cleaning utilities) all the extra ones and empty the Trash. A single copy of 1Password needs to be present on your hard drive.

    Please let me know how it goes :smile:

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