Unmitigated mess

Community Member

I cannot believe the number of bloody hoops I am having to jump through to get 1password 5 to integrate with Yosemite, how i wish it was Yosemite Sam, he would have made more sense. It is a complete balls up from start to finish and I like to think I know what I'm doing when it comes to Macs. And before either you or Apple spit their respective dummies out and say it must be the other one, consider this. As a journalist I have long predicted that Macs, PCs etc instead of getting simpler, would snick into reverse and start confusing people, its here now folks, they are among us, we are all doomed. I am a big fan of 1Password, I like the way they come across, I do believe they care about their product, they should, its a good one. But unless its me and I'm fully prepared to admit my mistakes, I think you have to take a long hard look here and accept the fact that some of us allegedly savvy folk are struggling. There is conflict somewhere on my system, damned if i can find it and I'm very close to ditching 1password and taking my chances with another product. And yes, I have switched off and taken the plug out of the socket and restarted, thanks before you ask.


  • schwaggy
    Community Member

    A few details might help. What version OS, iOS, 1PW? Mac App Store or Agile Bits' web download? Which browser?
    And finally, what the heck is your specific problem? You fail to mention any detail of what you're experiencing.

  • oldmovieguy
    Community Member

    What Im experiencing is frustration, I'll be more rational when I've stopped fizzing.

  • We'll be happy to help when that point comes. :)

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