1PW 4 needs "untagged" tag item
I just updated to v4 from v3. I almost think it was a mistake. I now can not see which items are untagged in the tag list. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to remove that? Now I will have some items that are untagged floating about. And PLEASE continue to work on v4 because I will not be upgrading to Yosemite any time soon.
@FirebirdHandler I'm pretty sure this hasn't changed between versions 4 and 5 so if you use the Show Search Options in the Find submenu of the Edit dropdown menu (keyboard shortcut ⌃⌥⌘F) you'll find one of the search options is number of tags. You can select that and then set the other parts to is 0 and that should mimic what you're after, a list of items with no tags.
As for continued work on version 4, I'd say that's very doubtful - sorry. Version 5 was released as an update to version 4 and in the Mac App Store, one of the places they sell it, you can't have multiple branches. Maintaining multiple branches also consumes resources some smaller companies may not be able to afford. Keeping pace with Apple as a developer or a consumer is never easy.
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I see that @littlebobbytables has already given you a great suggestion here, and I've just tested in version 4 to confirm:
This Smart Folder set-up will show you all of your untagged items. I hope this helps!
We really appreciate your feedback about version 4, but as @littlebobbytables states above, it's not an easy matter to maintain multiple versions of the app, for several reasons. Of course, we'll do our best to support you and help solve any snags you might come across if you decide to continue using version 4, but I can't promise any major updates at this time.
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OK thanks for the suggestion, that's a reasonable work around.
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On behalf of the guys here, you're welcome!