Problems upgrading from 4 to 5

Community Member

I'm having very strange problems upgrading from v4 to v5 - see explained in attached screen clip. All help / suggestions gratefully received. Thank you.
Best wishes,
Peter deP

12:09h on Tuesday,
11 November 2014


  • Hi @peterdep,

    On our store, everyone's 1Password 4 for Mac license was automatically switched over to a 1Password 5 for Mac license (the license is exactly the same). That should explain why the store is referencing your version 5 license, and is also why it's graying out the option to buy it again. You don't need to buy it, you already have one.

    You can register 1Password 5 for Mac with a 1Password 4 license, and it should show up as registered. On a system that was upgraded from 4 to 5, the first time you run version 5, it should automatically import your v4 license for you.

    I hope this helps.


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