Unaware 1Password upgraded to 5
I emailed your company over three weeks ago and have not received a response so maybe this will get someone's attention. I got a message telling me 1Password trial had expired. I was unaware that it had upgraded to a trial version. Whenever it checks for an update and the message pops up, I usually click the download and relaunch option. I really hope it didn't pop up telling me that there was an upgrade to a version that would require additional money out of my pocket. That seems like a very sneaky and somewhat underhanded way of forcing someone to pay for an upgrade. I can no longer make any changes to my files thanks to this issue. This is really not OK. Will I have a problem reinstalling 4? I'm assuming that there is probably some database upgrade that will cause a conflict if I just download 4. I just paid for the upgrade to 1Password 4 less than a year ago and now you want another $25 from me? $35 if I buy it through the App Store? Of course, if I want it's original functionality - the ability to sync via iCloud - I need to go for the $35 App Store option. Am I the only one who has an issue with this? I've supported your software for MANY years, but I am not OK with having to drop $ yearly (or less). I am extremely annoyed right now.
Hi @Matt223,
1Password 5 came out the same day that OS X Yosemite did and it's a free update for all 1Password 4 users.
So if you already have 1Password 4 license please add it again in 1Password 5 and restart 1Password mini and you'll be all set. The license code has slightly changed in 1Password 5, so it's quite possible that you encountered a bug.
Note that 1Password 5 requires Yosemite, so if you're on a Mac using OS X Yosemite, we strongly recommend that you use 1Password 5 instead of 1Password 4.
Also, note that the database model/format hasn't changed, meaning that if for some reason you want to use 1Password 4, there's nothing for you to do. Simply trash 1Password 5 and download 1Password 4 from here.
I hope that this helps :smiley:
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Obviously buggy. It is working after I reinstalled 4 and then allowed it to upgrade to 5 (since the pop up said it was a free upgrade). I upgraded to Yosemite the day it was launched, which means 1Password also updated that day. Somewhere along the way the software decided to lose its license info. Buggy.
Close the thread or whatever because it seems OK now.
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@Matt223 The announcement, Trial Expired notice in 1Password 5 for Mac? may hold pertinent information regarding your situation.
Hopefully it's all working smoothly by reapplying your licence but if it isn't please do post back here. The update to 1Password 5 is indeed free and if you have purchased a licence for 1Password 4 in the past you are not expected to pay again.