trial expired

Community Member

I posted this earlier, but it is not on the forum, so I am posting again.

I am running 1P 5.0.2, bought from Agile Bits. It works fine on 2 Macs, the third mac gives me a "trial expired" notice. All Macs are on OXX 10.10.1.

When I tried to get a copy of my license, I got the message that my email was not on file.

I am happy to do whatever I need to do, but I need direction, and the information on the forum regarding this issue is not helpful so far.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rolfessenden‌

    Can I ask, on the two machines where it is working fine what does is say under 1Password 5 > License..., does it say you're licensed on them? If it does is it possible your licence was automatically imported into their vaults when you applied it? That's what I found it did for me.

    Let us know how you get along with that and if needed we can continue the troubleshooting from there.

  • Matt Cline
    Matt Cline
    Community Member

    I am having the same problem. Trial Expired but when I select the License... option, it asks for a file. When I ask AgileButs re-send the license, the message it sends me by email is only a text license key and not a file. Where do I get the file or how to I enter the license code it sends me? And yes, I have a valid clines key and have been a customer of 1Password for a long time.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Matt Cline

    If you have a key it sounds like you've purchased either 1Password for Windows or 1Password 3 for Mac, does that sound about right? 1Password 4 was a complete rewrite from 1Password 3 and so was a paid upgrade. Now a 1Password 4 licence file works in 1Password 5 too as that was a free upgrade to all 1Password 4 customers.

    If the email we've sent indicates that you're a 1Password 3 customer, do you remember purchasing an upgrade from us and did you do so using the same email address? If you used another address you would need to submit that one to get your licence file link emailed to you.

    If that doesn't cover your situation please post back here.

  • rolfessenden
    Community Member

    I am incorrect, I actually bought my 1p5 from Apple. Now I need to uninstall the trial version I got from Agile Bits. Sorry to waste your time.

  • Matt Cline
    Matt Cline
    Community Member

    It is for Mac and I recall purchasing 3 and purchasing an upgrade for 4, but have no idea where to start looking to see if I have any email records for it. It would seem I have a valid license for each, as I have been using the current version of 1Password when each one comes out, including. I do see my 1Password for Mac on Feb 22, 2013 and like I said, I have been using 1Password 4 since it came out.

    How do I proceed to get this up to speed?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    Hi @rolfessenden‌

    We're here to help you - you're certainly not wasting our time! When you're uninstalling the trial, there are a few things to remember:

    • Make sure you use ⌘⌃Q ( Command-Control-Q ) to quit both 1Password and 1Password mini
    • Only drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash - don't use any fancy app cleaners as they can get a little bit overzealous.

    Hi @Matt Cline

    I'm so sorry for the trouble here. There are details on this situation posted at the top of our forums: Trial Expired Message in 1Password 5 for Mac?. In particular, it mentions how there was a bug in previous versions where you may have not been properly prompted to install your 1Password 4 license file.

    Now, I've done a quick search in our back office records, and I came up with a few hits. One of the hits does indeed have a license for 1Password 4/1Password 5 for Mac. I'd be happy to re-send this information to you if you send me a private message confirming the email address that you used when you purchased 1Password.

    Here's the tricky bit. If you're using a web-based email client (such as Gmail), the link to download your 1Password 5 license won't appear to be clickable. This is because it starts with a 'one password://...gobbledegook' instead of the standard 'http://...' and web-based clients aren't always able to translate that into an active link. Please look for a "no link? link not working" item in the email for more instructions.

    I do apologize for that annoyance - we have filed an issue in our internal tracker to get this resolved as soon as possible.

    ref: AGW-46

This discussion has been closed.