"Trial Expired" notice when upgrading from v4 to v5

Johan Lundström
Johan Lundström
Community Member
edited November 2014 in Mac

I am using Mac 1Password v5.0.2

I bought v4 for Mac in January I think. However I can't find any licenses or receipts for v4 on Mac when I search my email-inbox. After I upgraded to v5 it now says "Trial Expired". When I enter my email-addresses in "Find My License" it says it can't find anything. I've tried with [email addresses removed by admin].

I can't remember if I bought 1password from Mac App Store or on your web store. It is not in my list of purchases in the Mac App Store.

I am 100% sure I bought v3 and v4 for iOS because I can find those receipts from iTunes.

It's so strange that I have been able to use v4 on my Mac for such a long time, if I didn't have a license.

Can you explain this? Can you help me find my license or receipts for Mac?

Name: Johan Lundström
Primary email: [removed by admin]
Secondary email: [removed by admin]

Order-ID for iOS v4: MGVVWQJ7KD
Date for iOS v4 purchase: jan 15, 2014 (should be around the same time that I purchased v4 for Mac as well)


  • Johan Lundström
    Johan Lundström
    Community Member

    Why isn't there a way to post a private support ticket?!?!!?!?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Johan Lundström

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're having trouble with 1Password right now. Have you seen the explanation posted at the top of the forums:

    Trial Expired Message in 1Password 5 for Mac

    I searched the email addresses provided (as well as your name) in our back office records and was unable to find any purchases. (Your details have been removed from your original post because this is a public forum.) Is it possible that you purchased 1Password for Mac from the Mac App Store? If so, we would not have a record of your purchase, since the Mac App Store does not allow us access to their purchase records. You can confirm which version you are using by going to the 1Password menu and selecting 'About 1Password' - does it say Mac App Store or AgileBits webstore?

    Why isn't there a way to post a private support ticket?

    At this time, our forums are the best way to get in touch with the team. We've been hearing from a lot of users since the launch of 1Password 5, and we're prioritizing our public support to ensure that we can help as many people as efficiently as possible. The benefit of our forums here is that a single post can help a multitude of users. :)

  • Johan Lundström
    Johan Lundström
    Community Member

    Okay, thanks.

    I guess I must have always been using the Trial-version then. I'll purchase a real copy.

    Why would this problem appear now? What did you change? Has the "Trial Expired" functionality been changed in v5 or v5.0.2?

    I had a computer with 1Password 4 installed and the same vault. Even though it said I actually didn't have a license when I went to "1Password 4 > License..." there was no indication to that in the rest of the UI. I could create new logins and passwords just as before. So to me it seems that you just chose to make the Trial-notice more prominent and restrict functionality in v5. Which is totally fine, but if that would just have been made clear (on upgrade or on your website/forums) there wouldn't have been this much confusion. I still would have purchased a real copy, but I always thought I already owned a license/real copy.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    AgileBits has previously indicated that the 1P4 check for a licence was rather more lax than that in 1P5, which is probably why a some people have started noticing the warning now.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Johan Lundström

    We have had a few "Trial Expired" threads. Some people owned a licence but never applied it, some people mistakingly thought they'd purchased it and in both cases neither knew any better. So we have made 1Password a little more 'vocal' that the trial period has expired. It doesn't behave any differently though. Once the trial has expired you will still be able to access your existing passwords - we'll never stop you doing that (the intent isn't to hold you to ransom after all). We just figure after 30 days (as a new user of course) you've probably got a feeling whether 1Password is a fit for you and if you consider it a worthy addition.

    If you have any other questions or comments please do post :smile:

  • kgorske
    Community Member

    I also am having a problem getting rid of the "trial period has expired". My understanding was that upgrading to v5 was free if I had a current v4 license. Is this so? My v4 was purchased as a Family license (upgraded from v3) on 12/27/13. I have the order number etc, but feel that this is not the forum to be sharing this private information. Please advise.

    Ken Gorske

  • Hi @kgorske,

    Yes, 1Password 5 is a free upgrade from version 4. You just need to apply your license file (I just re-sent it to you, in case you don't have it).

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help!

This discussion has been closed.