Unable to activate 1Password v5 for Mac

Community Member

It all started in October 2013 when I purchased 1Password for Mac from the Apple App Store. All went well until I started having problems with Apple Mail, and my old email provider, and I lost my incredibly secure, but entirely unmemorable, 1Password Master Password.

I deleted 1Password and downloaded it again, from the App Store, this time noting my Master Password somewhere that I would be able to find it, irrespective of any lost email issues, and set about storing all my sign-ons and passwords again - a long job.

Last month, I upgraded 1Password to 1Password 5. Now, I am getting "Trial Expired" and, when I enter the Master Password, 1Password just opens, very briefly, and closes again.

I have deleted 1Password 5 and re-installed the version of 1Password that I downloaded on 9 October 2103 but I can't open it because my current Master Password does not work with it, I have no idea why not.

I am at my wits' end. I can't even download 1Password 5 from the Apple App Store and pay for it! There must be something on my MacBook that is preventing even that.

Needless to say, I cannot access any of my stored passwords or sign-ons.

Can anybody help me?


  • thightower
    Community Member


    I saw a similar topic with the problem you describe Quick closing.

    The admins asked if the user had another copy of 1Password on the Mac ? You would only need one copy unless one is a backup.

    As to trial expired issue please see this Trial Expired Notice

    cc @littlebobbytables as you were in the discussion I mention seeing.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    This does sound like you've been concurrently running both the Mac App Store and Web Store versions of 1Password. Unfortunately they use very different licence schemes meaning you can't seamlessly transition between the two and there is a bug in Yosemite where two or more copies of 1Password on the same machine can cause a lot of interference and trouble.

    Open 1Password but don't enter your Master Password just yet. Instead quit it using the ⌃⌘Q keyboard shortcut which will terminate both 1Password and 1Password mini. If you launch 1Password again does it keep your vault open any longer this time? This isn't a permanent fix by any means, merely a quick troubleshooting attempt.

    I would like you to make a note of how many items are in your good vault.

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac.

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox. Could you also say here how many items are in your good vault, it will help identify the correct one for later.

    A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • JonPierson
    Community Member

    Thank you, littlebobbytables, for your response. It is quite possible that you are correct in believing that I have the two versions of 1Password from two different sources.

    I currently have:
    the file 1Password-5.0.2.zip, stored in a separate folder,
    the file 1Password.app, in the Applications folder,
    the file 1Password 5.app, in the Applications folder,
    the file 1Password mini.app, in the folder Applications/1Password 5.app/Contents/Library/Loginitems, and,
    the file 1Password mini.app, in the folder Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Library/Loginitems.

    I have checked "Force Quit" and 1Password is not listed.

    I checked the Activity Monitor and 1Password mini displayed as an active process.

    I tried both Quit and Force Quit of 1Password mini from the Activity but it remained active.

    I opened 1Password 5 from Applications.

    I quit using ⌃⌘Q. I have never used ⌃⌘Q before. It advised me that it would quit all applications and log me out so I allowed that to happen.

    I logged back in and displayed the Activity Monitor again. 1Password mini displayed as an active process.

    I opened 1Password 5 again. It did not immediately close.

    I have,
    62 Logins,
    0 Secure Notes,
    0 Credit Cards,
    0 Identities, and,
    18 Passwords.
    Total 80 items in my vault.

    I have created a diagnostic report, and included a link to this thread, as requested.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JonPierson‌

    If you're being advised that you're going to be logged out it would suggest you're using a slightly different keyboard shortcut than I intended you to.

    ⌃⌘Q (ctrl + cmd + Q) will quit both 1Password and 1Password mini

    ⇧⌘Q (shift + cmd + Q) will log you out of your user account on your Mac.

    Sorry about that, I may overuse the icons for the different modifier keys, I think I just love knowing how to use them :stuck_out_tongue:

    Hopefully that shortcut will mean you can open 1Password 5.app until we've responded and helped you untangle your multiple vaults.

    I see somebody has been in contact so we'll keep the conversation there now to avoid confusion.

    ref: GQD-78958-417

This discussion has been closed.