Request: Browser extension limits number of logins displayed

Community Member

The 1Password browser extension limits the number of logins displayed for a given site. Also, there appears to be no reason to the sort order of the displayed logins (other than perhaps the order in which the logins were initially created).

For example, I have very many Google logins stored in 1Password. (I manage several Google accounts for clients.) When I click the 1Password extension, it only displays six logins on some Google pages, and eleven on others. Usually, 1Password omits the password I want to use, hiding it under "Show # more items".

Feature request: Allow the user to set a preference of the number of logins displayed, and/or give the user the ability to display all matching logins. Furthermore, give the user some control over the order in which the matching logins are displayed. If not alphabetical, most-frequently-used would be ideal. The latter would be easy enough to implement with a simple usage counter in the record.



  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sniglets‌,

    Thanks for taking the time to write to us :smile:

    Matching Logins in 1Password mini should be ordered alphabetically by their title. After you press on "Show # more items" you should be able to see all the matching Logins for the site that you are currently on. Unless you specifically chose not to display certain logins in the browser.

    Thanks for the feature request, I just created an internal bug in our issue tracker and added you vote to it :+1:


    ref: OPM-2690

  • sniglets
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    Thank you @Rad‌ for your reply and for creating the issue!

    I don't mean to contradict you, but I can provide a screenshot of the Firefox extension displaying items in non-alphabetical order. Perhaps there is something magical (and not in a good way) about my particular vault? (It may be that the extension is showing the cut-off set of matches in alphabetical order, but the way in which the extension is choosing the cutoff is done prior to the sort.)

    As for the "Show # more items," I have 17 or so Google logins. I have to use many of them frequently for client support. I'd like to see all logins without the "Show # more items," and there is plenty of vertical screen space to do so, which is why I requested the ability to change the cutoff.

    (PS, in case tone doesn't come across in text, I love 1Password, and I think AgileBits is doing a wonderful job. I'm only writing because I use your software all the time.)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sniglets,

    First of all, thanks so much for your kind words about 1Password! It's great that you find the app so useful, and we'll do all we can to ensure that it keeps behaving properly for you.

    I don't mean to contradict you, but I can provide a screenshot of the Firefox extension displaying items in non-alphabetical order. Perhaps there is something magical (and not in a good way) about my particular vault?

    I think that the magic here might relate to the URLs stored within the items. 1Password has two methods of matching the URLs within your entry to the URL you are visiting:

    • Precise (enabled by default): 1Password will match both the domain and subdomain of the URL. If some of your Google Logins have used the URL and some use (or some other subdomain), when you go to log in at, the items that match the full URL will be shown first, because they are a precise match. So, in this case you might have two groupings of alphabetical sorting: the precise matches, and then the non-precise matches (which will be 'below the fold' in the 'Show more items')
    • Lenient URL matching (can be enabled in Preferences > Browser): 1Password will only look at the domain when matching Logins. This will show all Google Logins in alphabetical order, regardless of subdomain.

    Now, there is another way you can control how items are displayed in the mini. For example, if you would like to prioritize your personal Google Logins over your clients, you can mark individual items as Favourites. (You'll notice the star below the title of the entry in Rad's example above.) Items marked as Favourites will appear at the top of the list in mini.

    As for the "Show # more items," I have 17 or so Google logins. I have to use many of them frequently for client support. I'd like to see all logins without the "Show # more items," and there is plenty of vertical screen space to do so, which is why I requested the ability to change the cutoff.

    You're not the first to wish for more configurable options here, and I'll pass your feedback on this along to our developers.

    I hope my explanations above help, but if you have further questions, you know where to find us! :)

    ref: OPM-1480

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