Unable to Report an incompatible website from Safari 1Password mini

Community Member

I'm following the instructions from here: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-mac-kb/5/en/topic/synapse to try and report an incompatible website. I've updated to the Safari extension beta (4.2.5.b2), however I do not have "report website issue" link listed under the gear after restarting safari. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the extension a couple of times.

Does anyone else have issues trying to use the Synapse website reporter?

(the website i'm having issues with is the Canadian Capital One Online Banking: https://servicing.capitalone.com/c1/login.aspx?CountryCode=CA



  • Hi @willisd‌,

    I believe that documentation is slightly out of date. I've reported it to the people here who update docs to have them look at it. What you need is not the Safari Extension Beta, but the 1Password Beta. You can opt into 1Password betas if you're using the AgileBits Store version of 1Password. In Preferences, you'll have an Updates tab, where there's a "Include beta builds" checkbox. By checking that and checking for updates you'll get updated to the latest beta.

    I'll let you decide if reporting sites is reason enough to switch to 1Password Beta.

    Once you have 1Password Beta, that menu item should show when you're using the menu from Safari.

    If you don't want to update to 1Password Beta, feel free to just post about what you're seeing wrong with a website here on the forum and we'll make sure it gets filed away as a bug to get looked at.

    Hope this helps.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @willisd,

    Oops, looks like you've got a sneak peek into something that we're working on ... Synapse isn't quite ready yet, so you won't be able to use this handy tool from the extension just yet.

    To make a report for a site that is misbehaving, please use the Synapse website.

  • willisd
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick feedback. I am using the App store version (so don't think i'm eligible for using 1pass betas). I followed Megan's advice and just used the website to post it manually. The site I'm having issues with (and have for a lonnnnnng time) is: https://servicing.capitalone.com/c1/login.aspx?CountryCode=CA. When submitting username/password from 1password i can see that both the username/password populate, but then, in seconds, the username goes blank (i've tried both auto-submit on and off, same results). Hopefully you'll be able to somehow advise a workaround or a permanent fix. Thanks again.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @willisd‌

    I have a suggestion. Go to your Login item in 1Password and click on the show web form details button. Do you have a row titled remember?

    If you do, edit the item, click the show web form details button again and then delete that row. Don't ask me why but the recording of the remember me checkbox seems to be screwing something up.

    In a similar way, I found manually creating a new Login item directly within 1Password's main window and adding these URLs also worked. Now because I don't have an account I do have to set it to Never submit but it populates both login fields for me.


    Let me know how you get along :smile:

  • willisd
    Community Member


    So it looks like that worked. I simply removed the remember field and it appears to autofill correctly now. I did not try creating a fill manually, but would assume it would have the same result. Now....

    I sync to my iOS devices through iCloud. So, i should be able to fill the same account info in iOS using the 1password extension. So, i navigate to the site above in Safari (mobile), launch the extension, unlock via TouchID, and voila I see the proper account info in the 1password extension. But... when i click on the account to fill the browser fields, it does return to Safari, but nothing happens. Neither username or password get populated. Since you recreated the original issue with CapitalOne, could you go one step further and see if you can replicate the iOS issue as well??? (Let me know if you need me to post this in the iOS section of the forums). THANKS

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    Try adding https://m.capitalone.com/ to the list of websites attached to that Login item and instead of visiting the main page visit the mobile site instead.

    The home page looks like this

    Select the Credit Cards option and use your Login item on that Login page. It fills in there for me while yes, I could replicate your problem with the main site on my iOS device too. I did try saving the URL for the Credit Cards login page itself but it didn't like that so for less hassle you're best to visit the main page and select the option you need.

    Does that work for you?

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