In total panic after unsuccessful update

Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor
Community Member
edited December 2014 in Mac

I got a notice to "update my 1Password" app. I tried to do so and now I get "1PASSWORD FAILED TO CONNECT TO 1PASSWORD MINI" So, I tried installing a new version of Mini. That didn't work evidently either as now my "Padlock" on my safari browser is gone and I cannot log into the main 1Password anymore as I continue to get the error message above. I've rebooted several time. Running Yosemite OS...So...All my passwords are in the app and I need them to access critical websites for work. I am stuck.,,I have no clue what the passwords are as I was relying on 1Password to store them which I cannot get to now. Please someone help me recover my passwords from my now useless 1Password app.

UPDATE: Finally got it to work. Please delete this post.


  • Scott Taylor
    Scott Taylor
    Community Member

    UPDATE: Finally got it to work. Please delete this post.

  • SeanFoster
    edited December 2014

    Hello Scott,

    Sorry for the momentary panic we caused you but I'm glad you were able to sort out your issue.

    I'll close this thread. :)


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