Move 1Password keychain files away from topmost Dropbox folder?

Community Member
edited January 2015 in Mac

I have several keychain files: my own, my clients, an archive, and my wife's. All are synced via Dropbox between my iMac, iPhone, iPad; in addition, my wife's vault is shared. The 1Password folder ist stored on the topmost Dropbox level, so it looks like:

~/Dropbox/1Password/MyWife/mywife.agilekeychain (folder is shared with my wife)

Now, for organizational and clarity reasons, I would prefer to have them all stored under a dedicated APPS folder, like


So my questions are:
1. Can I just drag and drop the 1Password folder right into the APPS folder?
2. And then how would I have to re-connect them to my Mac and iOS apps to sync properly again?

(Newest versions of Mac OS, iOS and 1Password everywhere.)


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @iCoco,

    I'm assuming you're using 1Password 4 or 5 on each Mac and iOS device that syncs with those vaults in Dropbox, but if not, please let us know.

    Before moving the 1Password folder to a different location in Dropbox, it's best to first disable Dropbox sync with each vault on each Mac & iOS device. In 1Password for Mac, go to Preferences > Sync and click Change Syncing > Disable Sync (do not choose to delete data from Dropbox). In 1Password for iOS, go to Settings > Sync > Sync Service > Disable Sync (and confirm you want to do that). Remember that you'll need to do this for each vault on each device.

    After disabling sync, you can move the 1Password folder with your vaults to a different location in your Dropbox folder. Then re-enable Dropbox sync for each vault on each device.

    I hope that helps, but let us know if you have more questions. Thanks!

  • iCoco
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    Now before I start with re-connecting, one more question pops up: I followed your advice and didn't delete the files on Dropbox. Now that I've moved the files, when re-enabling Dropbox sync (on iMac first) I get a message telling me that 1Password found data on Dropbox which it's going to merge. Will 1Password be smart enough to recognize, or will I end up with duplicate entries?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2015

    Hi @iCoCo,

    It's definitely smart to only merge in the changed data and will not duplicate anything.

    What you can do is back up your current data before merging the data in. To do this, go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Backup and press Backup Now. After that, merge the data in and you should be all set to go.

  • iCoco
    Community Member

    Great, thank you for your excellent support! :)

  • On behalf of the team here, you're welcome.

    If there's anything else we can assist you with, please let us know.

  • iCoco
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    Just one more: Now that I've moved and re-connected all keychain files on all devices successfully, I still see one file in Dropbox's root directory, named .ws.agile.1Password.settings (I see this file only on iOS devices, however).

    May I just move this file into my new folder (~/Dropbox/APPS/1Password/), too?

  • Hi @iCoco‌

    If Mac and iOS are the only platforms you are using 1Password on that file is no longer used and may be deleted.


  • iCoco
    Community Member

    Thank you. (Seems I am not the only one concerned about this little guy that disturbed the cleanliness of Dropbox :wink: (

  • You're welcome. :)

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