Upgrading Snow Leopard/1PW 3x to Yosemite/1PW 5

Community Member

I am going to finally upgrade from OS 10.6.8 to Yosemite. I am currently running 1Password 3 and my 1password.agilekeychain is in the 1Password folder in my Dropbox folder. I am not sure how to proceed to upgrade to 1PW 5 after I upgrade to Yosemite (I will be migrating from 10.6.8, not a clean install). After I download 1PW 5 will the program automatically find my 1PW data in the Dropbox folder and will Dropbox synching still work? Is there anything else I will need to do to ensure my data will be preserved in the new version?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @snagitseven,

    Good question! When you open 1Password 5 for the first time, it should find your data from 1Password 3. If for some reason it doesn't, you can choose the option for "I've used 1Password before" and then set up Dropbox sync with your 1Password.agilekeychain vault in Dropbox. So either way, it should be very easy to switch to 1Password 5.

    As a precaution, before upgrading your Mac to Yosemite, you might want to save a copy of your 1Password backup files somewhere else, just in case you need them later. The default location for 1Password 3 backup files is: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups (Alternately, you can open the 1Password 3 app, go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences, select the Backup tab, then right-click the file path and choose Show In Finder.) You can copy the Backups folder to a flash drive or other media.

    If you need more help with that, just let us know. :)

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