1P5 not updating passwords

Community Member

Latest issue: Passwords are not being updated and ... My AMX card just disappeared. Had to redo it twice, copy newly generated password before it disappeared and copy it back into the fields.



  • Hi @dlm67,

    We have a bug in the latest iOS release where, if you sync by Dropbox, edits will cause conflicts. I would recommend not editing on iOS right now. We've submitted 5.2.1 with a fix to Apple and it is waiting for review.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    I sync with iCloud. I'm not sure what you mean by "editing." Does it mean changing a password or adding a new password?

  • @dlm67 If you sync via iCloud you shouldn't be seeing a problem there then. Yes, editing is anytime you tap the Edit button for an item to change its password or any other field in it.

    Are there any other devices that are syncing to this device? Such as a Mac, perhaps?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @dlm67 I have just replied to your similar message here on the 1P for Mac forum requesting more information—much of which I now find in this thread. I have now edited my post there to suggest that you keep this discussion in this thread only to save confusion.


  • dlm67
    Community Member

    Megan said to come to this forum, so I am posting it on both. I shouldn't have to deal with this confusion. Here it is:
    This is a different issue. The information I gave is what I have: 1P5.1, to be more specific. Yosemite 10.10.2. No error codes,dialogue boxes, or other windows came up. Accounts are disappearing randomly, as are passwords on my MacBook Pro (Retina), but sometimes retained on my iPhone. If I am in the wrong forum, please tell me which one is appropriate.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please continue posting in this thread as appropriate. All the problems you have described (items apparently disappearing randomly, two different passwords appearing for the same item, etc.) are symptomatic of a problem related to sync—or, possibly, having more than one version of 1P5 on your Mac (although I suspect that is unlikely because you would have seen other problems if that were the case). In order to make things absolutely clear, I'm going to recap here what you have told us so far about your setup:

    1. You are using iCloud to sync 1P data between your Mac and your iPhone.
    2. You have OS X 10.10.2 on your Mac and are running 1P 5.1 on your Mac.
    3. You have not told us either the version number of 1P you're running on your phone or your iOS version number on your phone. (That information would be helpful for us to have, please.) You can find the 1P for iOS version number by going to the 1P for iOS Settings screen and looking towards the bottom of that screen.

    It would also be helpful to know if you have a complete, accurate set of 1P data on either your Mac or your phone. In other words, is the data set currently complete and accurate on one of those devices?

    Once we have all of that information somebody will be able to help you sort out what may be a problem with iCloud sync.


  • dlm67
    Community Member

    I was told my Mac is up to date when I checked for updates. I have only have one version on my MacBook Pro (v. 10.10.2). Maybe I am looking in the wrong place, but at the lower end of my Settings on the iPhone 6 Plus (IOS 8.1.3), it only has two categories: Background App Refresh and Use Cellular Data, so I do not know where else to look in the settings for the IP version.I also went into the settings of 1P and could not find the version there. As far as I know, all the data set is current, complete and accurate. But my skills and knowledge about these things are limited. Thank you.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    I have no idea where to post comments anymore because different people respond and tell me the comments are being reposted. If you are going to repost my post, then provide a link to where it will be so I do not have to scroll through dozens of other posts. This is all in my effort to help 1Password and clear up these issues which keep growing. Here is what I wrote in my last post:

    This is a different issue. The information I gave is what I have: 1P5.1, to be more specific. Yosemite 10.10.2. No error codes,dialogue boxes, or other windows came up. Accounts are disappearing randomly, as are passwords on my MacBook Pro (Retina), but sometimes retained on my iPhone. If I am in the wrong forum, please tell me which one is appropriate. I will repost in "that other thread."

    And the problem continues, whether it is syncing correctly or not, it is still prevalent: Now I have two different access points to one credit card account: two on my iPhone 6 Plus and one on my MacBook Pro.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    Additionally: I had to delete my login and password on my 1Phone for the above mentioned credit card because the one on my MacBook is the correct one. However, the password on my MacBook is not syncing and therefore it is not appearing on my iPhone. I do not know what has changed, but it was working before.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    Nothing is syncing correctly since upgrading to what I believe is your latest version: 5.1, which your dialogue box says is the latest upgrade.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dlm67,

    We need you to open up 1Password on your iPhone and switch to the Settings tab. Scroll down the settings page in 1Password until you can see an Advanced option. Just above that option you will see some text and in there it will tell you what version of 1Password for iOS you are running.

    Along with that we need an assessment of your vaults on these two devices. Please remember we can't see your vaults at all and all we can go on is what you tell us. Even if we ask for a diagnostic report from each device only you can tell how in sync these two devices are as item count is a poor/very bad way to tell if they're in perfect sync.

    If you can say "My Mac has a working vault with everything in it" then I personally would take you through the steps for wiping 1Password on your iPhone and have it sync a fresh copy from your iCloud sync data. If both vaults are a mess that's harder to do so that's why we need a concise and precise description of what you have. Ideally one of your devices will have a good vault that we can work with. Even if it's the case that maybe we need to move one password change over from one to the other that still isn't bad, it's if the two are all messed up that we'll have major difficulties.

    All of that though is hypothetical and just covering a wide range of situations. The likelihood is while you're frustrated (with good reason) that the worst case scenario is unlikely.

    So just to reiterate.

    1. We need to know the version of 1Password for iOS on your phone. See above on where to find that.
    2. We need an assessment on the state of your two vaults and by how much they likely differ and if we can label one vault as the 'good' vault from which to repopulate the other.

    Once we have that we should be in a good place to resolve this.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    It says "Version 5.2" and appears to be a request for a good review in the App store. Separate this information if you want it to be clear. Both vaults seem incompatible at this time because they have different or missing information. Where I can open American Express on my MacBook Pro, the American Express icon has been removed from the iPhone 6Plus. Where the account password in my computer is located in 1P5 "log-in", it is not included in "passwords." Where another credit card is in "favorites" on the phone, it is wiped out from "passwords" on my phone and incorrect in "log-ins," as well; in other words, it is different from the log-in on my computer which opens the account.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    HI @dlm67,

    That's the version number we were looking for, thank you. It lets us know you are running the latest version.

    Now back to your vault. I struggled to understand how different these two vaults are.

    1. Please ignore if an item is a favourite in one vault and not in another, that's something very simple to correct as long as the actual data in the item doesn't differ. Imagine Favorites as a smart folder, the contents will always be stored in another category and this is simply a particular view of some of your items.
    2. The American Express icon is what we would consider a rich icon I believe and so that does not sync. You would need to have rich icons enabled in both copies of 1Password.
    3. When you use our Password Generator we initially create a Password item to ensure the generate password is stored until a proper Login item is created. When you create a Login item, if the site and password match up the Password item is removed as it is redundant. If you have a Login item on your computer with the same password as a Password item on your iPhone then your computer has the same information but in the more useful form (as it can be used to log you into a site unlike a Password item).

    So what we're looking for are the number of items that differ in meaningful ways e.g. if an item simply doesn't exist on one phone (ignoring the transformation of Password items into Login items) and more importantly, the more subtle does important data in an item differ e.g. username, password and other fields.

    If we're talking about about just a couple of items I would suggest we disable sync in both places, manually update the computer so it has a copy of everything and then clear the iPhone and the sync data. We would then recreate the sync data and have the iPhone pull this data to create a new vault on your iPhone.

    Once you've confirmed how many items this pertains to we'll know how large a difference we're dealing with.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    Right now there seems to be 3 or 4 items that have either disappeared from either my iPhone or my MacBook, or have lost their most recent passwords, as I have outlined previously. At least in one case, the most current password disappeared on my MacBook in one category and I had to copy it and edit an old one, replacing it with the new one. It is difficult to keep track of all of this, in spite of having to do it repeatedly. Everything was working fine until the upgrade. I had a similar issue with an insurance account. I have had to generate new passwords in order to enter an account, but it is not syncing with both devices as it was before.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dlm67,

    I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're been having! After reading through the information you've given us, it sounds like this is mostly a sync problem (i.e. change you make in 1Password on your iPhone aren't syncing to your Mac - or vice versa). So let's try checking the sync settings:

    On your Mac:

    • Open 1Password and go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences.
    • Click the Sync tab.
    • Make sure it shows your Primary vault is set to sync with iCloud. If it isn't, set up iCloud sync by following the steps here.

    On your iPhone:

    • Open 1Password and go to Settings > Sync > Sync Service.
    • Make sure it shows the current sync method is iCloud. If it isn't, set up iCloud sync by following the steps here.

    Let us know what you find in the sync settings on both. If iCloud sync wasn't enabled on your Mac or iPhone, does enabling it solve the problem?

  • sasha
    Community Member

    My 1pw on mac does not sync with ipad or iphone, period.
    I purchased 1pw for both mac and iOS in summer 2014, and never been able to have them sync even with the help from guys at Apple store. And no support from agilebits that really help have this problem gets fixed ... I am stuck with 1pw that never works on my iphone/ipad.

    ps. Someone might say it's ipad/iphone issue, not 1pw's problem ... But I disagree. Is it too much to expect agilebits to ensure their product work and sync across all apple devices ?

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    Sync has disappeared as an option in Preferences in my Primary Vault on my MacBook. I have: None, Drop Box, Folder. On my iPhone 6Plus, in 1Password, there is no option to start syncing in the IP Settings, only: Background App Refresh and Use Cellular Data. 1Password is not listed in iCloud Settings.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    But sometimes it does sync by iCloud, as in the case of a password I just changed for another bank that just appeared on iPhone. American Express, however, is gone from iPhone.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dlm67,

    When you refer to options such as Use Cellular Data that identified that you're looking in the Settings for your iOS device. There is also a Settings page inside 1Password for iOS. In there you will find many options including the one that Drew_AG referred to, Settings > Sync > Sync Service.

    We may have found the root of your problem though. If you do not have iCloud as a sync option on your Mac then it is very doubtful your devices have been syncing since you upgraded to or installed 1Password 5.

    There are two versions of 1Password 5 for Mac, there is the Agile Web Store (AWS) version and the Mac App Store (MAS) one. Since the release of iOS 8 and Yosemite iCloud changed dramatically and we kept pace with these changes. We now use something called the CloudKit framework for iCloud Syncing, one of the many overhauls performed by Apple with this improved iCloud. Sadly Apple are restricting access to the iCloud related frameworks (which include CloudKit) to apps or applications sold through their stores. If you purchased and use the AWS version of 1Password then it can no longer access iCloud because of these restrictions, only the MAS version can. You can confirm which version you are running by looking in the 1Password > About 1Password drop down menu option on your Mac.

    If this is indeed the case you have two options.

    1. You can switch to either Dropbox or Wi-Fi Sync, both will allow you to sync iOS devices from a Mac and both sync options are available no matter where you purchased 1Password for Mac from.
    2. You can purchase the 1Password (MAS) version. Unfortunately we are unable to migrate users or even offer a discounted migration price because the Mac App Store does not have such a facility.

    Does this help explain your current syncing situation at all?

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    The Settings option in my iPhone 1Password is set to sync with iCloud on the iPhone. There is no iCloud option on my MacBook. It has disappeared. Remember that I said I was not having this problem prior to upgrading 1Password most recently, although it occurred once before. I bought and downloaded iP5 from the Apple Store originally, not from Agile Web Store. However, checking again, it says I bought it from AWS. So this explains part of it because your version is not compatible with Apple's version; however, if I now have to purchase a new version of your software, why should I have to pay for it again? This is not my problem. You have to settle this with Apple. I do not want to pay twice for the same application. And then what? What is the next glitch in password protection? And this still doesn't explain why some things are syncing and others are not. Why some passwords are disappearing and others are not. If I have to create new passwords in doing this, it is an enormous burden.

  • Hi @dlm67,

    You aid you purchased the Mac app originally from the Mac App Store. Could you open the Mac App Store and click the Purchased tab and see if 1Password is listed in your purchase history there? If so, you simply need to switch back to the Mac App Store version to regain iCloud sync on OS X Yosemite. If it is in your purchase history, you can re-download it from there without being charged again.

    This guide will help you to migrate over from the web store version to the Mac App Store version.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    The App store does not have it listed within the last 90 days and I cannot remember when it was purchased. However, Agile Bits is putting a great burden on your customers. We should not have to be doing this. My iPhone still says it is syncing with iCloud, but not everything is syncing. I can't keep repeating myself. Please read my posting above and respond to those issues. These passwords are quite important, as you know, and having to constantly reset them or deal with missing passwords or incorrect log-ins is taking too much of my time. Thanks.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    iCloud Sync is still not showing up for my Primary Vault in the Syncing Preferences. 1 Password, please address resolve these issues without forcing me to spend another $50 on an application I have already paid for. Please also address the partial syncing and disappearance of certain passwords/log-ins, as well as having them on the MacBook and not on iPhone and vice versa.

  • Hi @dlm67,

    The App store does not have it listed within the last 90 days and I cannot remember when it was purchased.

    The Mac App Store Purchased section should show all your purchases, and not be limited to the last 90 days. I want to be absolutely positive your are looking in the Mac App Store and clicking the purchased tab, and for you to confirm whether or not you ever purchased 1Password for Mac from the Mac App Store.

    If you have, then that gives us the easiest path to help you get things sorted. But right now we are working with unconfirmed information as you've said you bought it from the App Store, but we don't know for sure whether or not it is in your purchase history. Your comment about 90 days has me wondering if we are both looking at the same area — the Purchased tab of the Mac App Store. I've attached a screenshot of the Purchased tab of the Mac App Store from my Mac. As you can see, it spans a couple years of purchases on the screen. Can you confirm whether or not 1Password ever appears in your Purchased list?

    Mac App Store Purchased

    Another option would be to go to 1Password's page on the Mac App Store and tell me whether you see a price listed ($49.99), or the word Install. Don't click either yet, just tell me what you see there.

    1Password Mac App Store

    iCloud Sync is still not showing up for my Primary Vault in the Syncing Preferences.

    And it will not as long as you are on the web store version of 1Password. Only the Mac App Store version supports iCloud sync, and we are trying to determine whether or not you had ever purchased from there because of the comments you have made earlier in the thread.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    OK, it was bought through App Store on 12/1 and confirmed on purchase list. I have the order and invoice numbers.

  • @dlm67 Excellent! Follow this guide to transition back over to the Mac App Store version and you should be able to sync via iCloud again.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    But I have the Mac App Store version ... I don't understand why I am doing this again.

  • @dlm67 No, the version you have installed is the web store version. You need to switch back to your Mac App Store version.

    Here's a super easy way to tell the difference: the web store version is named 1Password 5. The Mac App Store version is simply named 1Password. It's our little cheat sheet for telling them apart at a glance.

    My hunch is if you look in your Applications folder, you will see 1Password 5, which does not have iCloud capabilities. In that case you need to follow the steps linked above to get yourself back on the Mac App Store version.

  • dlm67
    Community Member

    You are correct. I have 1 Password 5. Do I have to pay for this Mac App version? It does not say so one way or the other.

  • @dim67, no, since it shows up on your purchased list, you can just re-download it from the App Store. When you go back to your purchased list, there should be an Install button on the right. Just click that. It may ask for your AppleID password, but it won't charge you again. The app store never charges twice for the same app.

This discussion has been closed.