Start-up questions for MAC Users

Community Member

I've installed 1Password for MAC (OSX 10.10.2) purchased from MAC APP Store and the related APP for an iPhone 6 and iPAD operating with iOS 8.1.3. I also purchased the $10.00 PRO enhancement and entered data for about 50 items. Thanks to Hawkmoth and Littlebobbytables for getting my there.
Here's what I have on my computer at this point:
1Password 5 Jan 26, 2015 56.8 MB
1Password FEB 14, 2015 51.6 MB

1Password 5 OCT 03, 2014 55.5 MB
1Password 5-3 Jan 26, 2015 56.8 MB
1Password-4.2.5-2.safariextz Oct 20, 2014 146 KB

I was trying to be sure that I had the Safari Extensions in the system and the following error message came up:
"James....... , We’ve got a Problem
The system launched an incorrect version of 1Password mini.
Instead of '/Applications/1Password' it started '~/Downloads/1Password'.
Please make sure you have only one copy of 1Password on your Mac."

So here are four questions to help this beginner turn his stack of plastic into an electronic wallet::
1) What should I do to respond to the error message?
2) None of the items i entered as reward programs will open automatically from 1Password. Is that normal, or was there something I should have done to ensure that they can be read?
3) Several of my login entries open a website home page but do not engage the customer account. For example, the ATT login goes straight through the username and password and opens my account; however, Verixon, E-ZPass, Direct TV and Apple iTunes do not getas far as the customer username, customer ID or customer password. Is that normal, or is there something I am probably missing?
4) At one point the 1Password Mini screen was showing my tags folder. That was very helpful. Now it does not show the tags folder. How can I get it back in the 1Password Mini?

Thanks for your help!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JHurley734,

    So the first thing to do is to move all three of those from your Downloads folder to your Trash. Those you definitely don't want no matter what.

    Next we need to confirm that the MAS version has all of your items in it. What I suggest is launch/open the in Applications and ignore the error message for now. Confirm that you've launched the MAS version by looking in 1Password > About 1Password where it should say Mac App Store in the little window that opens. Having confirmed the MAS version launched you now want to verify that your vault is as it should be. The reason I'm having you do this is the Agile Web Store (AWS) and MAS versions maintain separate vaults due to the different locations they store support files. I just want to make sure the MAS version is the up to date one.

    If it is then you're free to move the 1Password from Applications to the Trash too.

    Follow that up with a reboot and you shouldn't get that error message any more. The error message is because Yosemite seems to get confused and doesn't launch the correct copy of 1Password mini like it used to in Mavericks.

    Tags should always be present in 1Password mini so I'm hoping it is related to the above issue. We'll find out soon enough.

    Once we've definitely dealt with the first (and hopefully the fourth too) then we can turn our attention to the other two problems :smile:

  • JHurley734
    Community Member

    Hi, Littlebobbytables
    I deleted and rebooted as you advised and questions #1 and 4 have beemn resolved. Even the Tags folder has re-appeared in the mini window. Thank you for your help.
    Now lets look at questions 2 and 3 above. To recap, none of the items entered as rewards programs, memberships, credit cards, or bank accounts open with a double mouse click from 1Password. Some of the items entered as Logins (e.g. Angieslist,, Direct TV, and my AOL account) open and populate usernames and passwords. Other items entered as Logins (e.g.,, and will not open from 1Password. Do you have any advice for me about this?
    Best regards! JIM

  • Hi @JHurley734,

    Let's see if we can get the rest of this sorted out:

    1. Credit cards, memberships, etc (basically anything but Logins) will not open when you double click on them. This is currently working as designed. It'd be nice if it would open the website url provided in the item for those, though.
    2. Can you describe what you mean by the logins not opening from 1Password? For example, the login. When you double click it, what happens? Does the login have a website url associated with it?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


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