How to use 1Password on Mac with OS X 10.7 and iPhone/iPad with iOS 7?
I have a friend who has a Mac with OS X 10.7 and iPhone and iPad with iOS 7. She does not want to update either operating system.
Is it possible that she uses 1Password on Mac and iOS devices and has the data synchronized?
Which 1Password versions for OS X and iOS would she need to use and where could she get them? What sync options would she have?
Hi @desertman,
I'll answer your questions regarding 1Password in a moment but I do want to address the use of Lion. You may want to make sure that you're friend is aware Apple no longer supports OS X 10.7, an example is the FREAK vulnerability patch which Apple issued only to OS X 10.8 and higher recently. Going forward this means her machine can only become more insecure as other threats are discovered and not patched.
Back to 1Password :wink:
The last compatible version of 1Password for Mac that is compatible with Lion is 1Password 3. Now that version is still available to download in the legacy section of our AgileBits Download page. Now as far as licensing goes if your friend purchases a licence for 1Password 5 that will cover them for any of the older versions including 1Password 3. It also means should she ever update OS X she is eligible to run 1Password 4 or 5 depending on what version of OS X she changes to.
1Password for iOS will be trickier. Like all iOS apps 1Password for iOS is only available from Apple's iTunes Store. As such only the most recent version is easily available to download. For us that's 1Password 5 but that requires iOS 8. Your friend though needs 1Password 4 for iOS. Now it is possible to still download it but there are more steps involved. What you need to do is download 1Password 5 via iTunes on her Mac. You can't install 1Password 5 for iOS this way but it does mean 1Password for iOS is now in her 'purchased' record. Turning your attention to the iOS device, you would want to open the App Store app on the iOS device, switch to the Updates tab and then go to Purchased. You want to initiate downloading of 1Password for iOS there and iTunes should point out that 1Password 5 for iOS isn't compatible with iOS 7 and ask if you want to download the last compatible version which is 1Password 4.
Now your only option for syncing these two versions of 1Password is Dropbox. Both have Wi-Fi Sync as an option but due to the complete rewrite of 1Password 4 it's a totally different sync and they're incompatible.
If you have any follow up questions do please ask :smile: