Unable activate Family License Mac + Windows Bundle from 2012
Version 5 is available and the upgrade pricing can be found in the upgrade section of the store https://agilebits.com/store/upgrade
A version 5 license covers both versions 3,4, and 5. Version 4, and 5 use a file for licensing not the older key input method.
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Hi @ixpose,
I've checked our records and your guess is correct, you do have a family licence for 1Password 3. With 1Password 4 the decision was made to start from scratch, a clean slate in terms of code and at the time the decision was made to make it a paid upgrade from 1Password 3. When we released 1Password 5 we decided to make it a free upgrade to all existing 1Password 4 users.
So where does this leave you? Well there are two ways to purchase a newer licence and it depends a little on your requirements.
As of 1Password 5, iCloud Sync is now a feature only available to those that purchase 1Password 5 from Apple's Mac App Store (MAS). The reason is Apple are now enforcing restrictions on what applications can access iCloud related frameworks.
So if you deem iCloud Sync important then you would need to purchase 1Password 5 from Apple's App Store on your Mac. Now iCloud Sync support is a bit of a landmine so this iCloud FAQs (iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite) is probably worth reading to make sure all your machines and devices are compatible and you want it.
If iCloud Sync isn't important to you then purchasing from our Agile Web Store (AWS) is another option with one significant benefit. As an existing user you can use your 1Password 3 licence key to obtain an upgrade price, something we can't do with MAS as the functionality doesn't exist there. If you go down this route please be aware that we've simplified our licences recently and that a single user purchase will cover everybody that your previous Family Licence covered. Purchasing from our store also means the bundle price if you were hoping to cover both Windows and Macs again.
If you have any follow up questions do please ask :smile: