Request for Favorites organization

1Password Alumni
This discussion was created from comments split from: Please Add Categories for assets such as Cars, Boats and Real Estate.


  • RunInCircles
    Community Member

    If I may comment on a thread not mine, with this:

    Make mine another vote for category expansion.

    A big help (I think) would be to be able to group, or categorize within favorites.
    My list of favorites has gotten a bit long. Maybe I’m not using 1Password as efficiently as I could be?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RunInCircles,

    I moved your message to a separate thread, as it seems to be about something different than the original discussion.

    Thanks for your suggestion! May I ask, what kind of items do you mark as Favorites in 1Password, and what do you use them for on a regular basis? I'm not sure that option was necessarily intended to be a long list. For me, Favorites works best as a short list of the items I use all the time, so it's very easy to find an item there. Having a long list of items in Favorites makes it much more difficult to easily/quickly find the item you're looking for, and I'm not sure if having a system of groups/categories/folders in Favorites would help with that.

    But that's really just my opinion based on the way I use normally use 1Password, and the way you use it may be different. So it will help to know more about how you use the Favorites feature and how adding more organizational features would help your workflow. I'll be more than happy to forward your suggestion to our developers, of course. Thanks! :)

  • RunInCircles
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for moving the message.

    I agree that a FAVORITES list can quickly get cluttered & ought not be that way. And that its not the best way to work. I probably should rework my favorites list: Not well thought out & it is not a good suggestion I offered up.

    Perhaps a divider between “groups” that belong together visually & reside in “ FAVORITES" is what I’m after most of all? I have items that belong near each other marked with typographical images actising as “secondary” icons inside favorites. What goes there is primarily email log-ins for me.

    Mine FAVORITES consist of
    * 1 public library log-in.
    * 6 for ISP email bear a common icon, 2 more for same site, identified as Logins with keyhole icon.
    * 6 Apple account-related.
    * 8 or 9 occasional forums (probably candidates for a move to a folder instead).
    * 2 special accounts that are used often.

    That is a bit long for a list of FAVORITES.
    I sometimes use FAVORITES category as temporary storage while I cull items out of the full list.

    I also have folders at the very bottom of the basic list (not favorites) for categorized folders:
    * my own Email Addresses,
    * Career Searches,
    * Software Forums &
    * Racetrack related links.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RunInCircles,

    Thank you for the additional information about that! I see what you mean. It sounds like you could organize most of those things using Folders or Tags (and possibly Smart Folders). You mentioned you're already using Folders for some items. I have a few Smart Folders set up in my own vault, although I mostly use Tags for grouping different items together. If you haven't already tried using Tags, I think you might find them very useful!

    Of course, Favorites is a bit easier to access because it's close to the top of the list in 1Password and 1Password mini, while Folders and Tags are at the bottom. But otherwise, does that seem to be what you're looking for in terms of organization?

  • RunInCircles
    Community Member

    Thanks Drew,

    One should not need to tweak this often.
    It says something about how disorganized I am in my 1Password structure, if it is still sloppy today!

    I likely shouldn’t use Favorites as a placeholder/temporary repository while culling items from the massive full list: using a temporary folder instead, while decide how to finally group them.

    I have tags assigned to many items. “Webmail” is one such.
    I just rarely use it!

    Actually, FAVORITES as a location for multiple similiar email logins has its downside too:

    If I click the entry & it goes to the correct page, but doesn’t fully enter the site–I would be subsequently forced to cut & paste from that 1Password entry. The 1Pw entry becomes hidden in the 1Pw list after the first time I clicked it & involves still one more click to show it again in the list!

    I withdraw my wish for categories in FAVORITES.

    The trickier part of the 1Password organization (to me) is that I have never really found a solid way to decide what should go under the categories of Logins, Identities, Passwords & Email accounts. I wind up accepting whatever works, even if its not how I believe they ought be structured. I am guilty of just making do once passwords are in 1Password.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RunInCircles,

    As far as the difference between some categories and which one to use, it might help to take a look at this User Guide article: Categories

    Basically, Login and Identity items (along with Credit Card items) are used for filling out website forms. To fill in a web login form (usually a username & password), you'll want to create a Login item for that site. To fill in a web form that asks for your name and address, you would use an Identity item.

    Most other categories (such as Email Accounts) are basically templates made to store different types of information that wouldn't usually need to be filled in on a web form. So you might create an Email Account item to save details about an email account such as the type of email (i.e. POP3, IMAP), the mail server, security type, service provider, and so on. You wouldn't typically need to fill any of that information on a website, but you might need it to set up a separate email client on your computer/device. On the other hand, if you need to log into an email site through a web browser (like Gmail, for example) you would want to create a Login item for that.

    The Passwords category is a special category that stores passwords created with the password generator. This serves as a safety net, to allow you to refer to them if needed prior to saving them in one of the other categories. A new Password item is created whenever you click "Fill" or "Copy" in the Password Generator option in 1Password mini (or the 1Password browser extension). You can also manually create a Password item if you want to, although depending on what sort of password you want to save, a Login item might also be fine.

    I hope that helps to explain the different item types! If you have more questions about that, just let us know.

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