1P mini not saving/updating generated password

Community Member

I logged onto my website using 1p mini. I then updated my password, using the password generator from the mini. when I went to check the password from within 1p AND 1p mini, they both showed my old password. Obviously, since the new password is new AND generated, I have no idea what it is.

Is this a bug or did I miss a step?


  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    PS, FWIW: when changing the password using 1p generator, it filled in both the 'new' password line and the 'verification' line.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    PPS: I am using 1Password Version 5.3 (530029) from the Mac App Store and OS 10.10.3

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rlgleason51,

    I'm sorry you're having some trouble with that! The good news is that your new password isn't lost, and it should be quite easy to find it and update your Login item.

    Normally, 1Password is able to detect when you update your password on a website and it will offer to update your existing Login item for that site. But there are some sites where 1Password isn't always able to detect a password change. When that happens, you can open the main 1Password app, click on the Passwords category on the left sidebar, and you should see a new item for the new password you generated (you can sort the list by Date Created if it helps). Then you can copy & paste the new password into your Login item for that site.

    Please take a look at this knowledgebase article for more information about recovering unsaved passwords.

    Hopefully that helps! If you have more questions about that, just let us know - we're here for you! :)

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    Thanks, that allowed me to recover the password. But there is definitely a problem with using password generation via 1p mini.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rlgleason51, I'm glad that helped!

    You mentioned that there's a problem using the password generator in 1Password mini, but you didn't describe the problem at all. Can you please elaborate with some details about the problem you're experiencing? If there's an issue there, we definitely want to fix it. Thanks in advance!

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    As I mentioned in my original post, 1pMini did not save the password when created by the generator. I logged onto my website and went to change my password. Using 1pMini, I generated the new password and it automatically filled in the new password line and the verification line on the site. I then saved the changes on the website. At no time was I prompted by 1P or 1P mini to save the new password or logon. Per your solution, I was able to recover the password.

    I just feel that if one is changing a password on the fly like I was, the new password should be saved in the record. Having the ability to go to the passwords category is nice as a fallback, but one should not have to do that.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rlgleason51,

    As mentioned by Drew and the knowledgebase article he linked to, 1Password does its best to detect a new password being submitted, but there are some sites where we still need to improve the detection. If you'd like to let us know what website this happened on, we can report it to our developers so they can look into fixing it in future releases. Thanks so much!

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    The link is below, although I was not on the logon page, but in my account profile page.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rlgleason51,

    That's a tough one for us to test because we can't easily create an account to test and play with. Sometimes we might ask for a copy of a page if we can't see it but we can't do that either here due to personal information undoubtedly being visible on your account profile page.

    It's tough. There is no such thing as a standard login or change password page. We try to account for as many as we can but there will always be ones that elude us and what you see on a page is likely just a small part of the page. That isn't to say we won't try but unless somebody on the team is either a registered member themselves are we can think of a way to view a redacted version of the page it does increase the difficulty.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I figured it would be difficult, given the page I was on at the time.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rlgleason51,

    I can't comment on your particular page as I haven't viewed it but I did come across another one late yesterday. This one I could test and what I found when I started delving into it was the following

    I don't know for certain but I suspect what is tripping 1Password up is that the new password fields aren't of the password type like the Amazon page is. On the Amazon page all three are the password type while the UPS the existing password field is of type password but the new password fields are of type text and the contents seem to be obscured another way. I'll report it as it looks like the devs will have to take a look.

    I used Amazon as a known page where 1Password works. I used it because I actually have this feature turned off in my day to day usage of 1Password. I'm weird and I've always preferred to have manual control over this.

    So I believe there are ways to encode a page that we don't recognise as a password change page. No matter how many pages we check for compatibility somebody will always come along with an unanticipated design.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    Makes sense. Bottom line, I know to go back to my old way of copying and pasting the new generated password from the 1p record.

    Maybe you should remove the 'password generator' from the mini? Or at least show a popup with the caution that the password may not be saved in the record?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I can't disagree with the idea that some signposting in the Password Generator that a Password item has been created, ensuring a record of the generated password used is a good idea. From a personal perspective I'd rather see the signposting than the removal of the Password Generator given there are plenty of places where it works well.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    It can even state that the new password has been copied to the clipboard for pasting in the record.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your feedback about that! We're always looking into ways to improve our user experience.

    If you need anything else, you know where to find us. ;)

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