Hi I need help merging multiple vaults accidentally created with Mac OS and IOS into one vault

Community Member
edited November 2015 in Mac

I'm a geek and own a number of mac computers and devices that all sync with 1Password. I somehow have created multiple Vaults and my passwords (I think) are randomly in these separate Vaults. How can I merge all the data from all the Vaults into a new single Vault that I have just created? I use DropBox for sync.

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: 4.4.4
OS Version: 10.11.1
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Hi I need help merging multiple vaults accidentally created with Mac OS and IOS.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mac35,

    Just to make sure I understand, do you mean you want to consolidate/merge all your data into the Primary vault, and sync just that one Primary vault between all of your Macs and iOS devices?

    If so, do you mean that each Mac and iOS device currently has multiple vaults (i.e. Primary vault plus one or more secondary vaults), and each vault syncs correctly across Macs & iOS devices, but you'd prefer to use only one (i.e. Primary) vault instead of multiple vaults? Or do you mean each device has only 1 vault (i.e. Primary), but they're not all syncing with each other, so each device has a slightly different set of data?

    It will also help if you can give us some additional details about your setup:

    • How many Macs and iOS devices are you syncing with 1Password?
    • What version of Mac OS X or iOS is running on each one?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on each Mac?
    • Are you using the AgileBits Store version or the Mac App Store version of 1Password on each Mac?
    • What exact version of 1Password is installed on each iOS device?
    • How many vaults do you have on each Mac and iOS device?
    • Is Dropbox sync currently enabled for each vault on each Mac/iOS device?
    • Are your vaults syncing correctly between your Macs and iOS devices?

    Once we have a better idea of what you're trying to do and how things are currently set up, we'll be able to help you get things merged correctly. Thanks!

  • mac35
    Community Member

    Thank you for your reply - I'll gather the requested data for you and respond this week. Short answer is - it is DropBox (that I am syncing with) the has the multiple Vaults (I suspect these were created by some of the devices when I directed the device to sync with Dropbox)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    No problem @mac35, just let us know whenever you're able to gather that info, and we'll be happy to help you get things all sorted out! :)

  • bepilot
    Community Member

    Drew_AG I also have created two separate vaults unconsciously when I put 1Password on my Macbook Pro. I have 1Password and Primary. It syncs with my iPhone 5S and iPad Air2 thru drop box. I had always assumed it was syncing all the passwords until several weeks ago when I could not find a password on the OS devices but it was on the Macbook Pro. That is when I saw I had 2 vaults. I would like to merge them all into 1 vault as I have no use for 2. I would prefer to keep syncing thru dropbox, but I could do it thru iCloud if that works better. I have checked the online for procedures but haven't found anything yet. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    Hi @bepilot,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble as well.

    On your Mac, can you tell me what you see when you choose 1Password > Preferences > Sync?

    Here is my own as an example. You will see that I have two vaults: Primary and Demo. And my Primary vault has the Dropbox icon next to it to show that it is syncing with Dropbox.

    Can you tell me which vaults you see listed there and if you see the Dropbox icon next to them? If you only see one vault listed there, please let me know that as well. :)

  • bepilot
    Community Member

    khad, Sorry it took me a few days to get back on my Macbook Pro to check my messages. My preferences for 1Password show two vaults:
    Primary - with the iCloud symbol next to it. Also the 1Password - with dropbox symbol next to it.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    No worries, @bepilot. I'm here whenever it is convenient for you. :)

    The information you provided is very helpful. Thanks for that!

    Here's what I'd like you to do in 1Password on your Mac:

    1. Switch to the "1Password" vault.
    2. Select "All Items" in the sidebar on the left, then select the first item in the list.

    3. Choose Edit > Select All from the menu bar and ensure that all the items in the list are selected.

    4. Choose Item > Share > Primary > Move from the menu bar. You'll be asked if you are sure you want to move all the items to your Primary vault. Say yes.

    Then, on your iPhone and iPad, open and unlock 1Password and tap Settings > Sync > Primary > Sync Service > Sync with iCloud.

    Once you are syncing with iCloud and have confirmed all is well, you can remove vault from your Dropbox folder. I am happy to assist you further with that, or if you are stuck on any of the steps above. Please let me know how it goes.


  • bepilot
    Community Member

    khad, Thank you - the procedure did give me the Primary vault with all the entries. Unfortunately there were many duplicate entries - over 300. I couldn't find a method to delete the duplicate entries so I manually deleted the duplicates and now have one vault with all the entries. I still have the iPassword empty vault, but have hidden it from showing on "All Vaults". I assume I have set up the program to work for all my devices.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bepilot,

    I’m sorry that this has been a bit of a process for you, but I’m glad to see we’re slowly getting it resolved! Now that the 1Password vault is empty, we can remove it completely from 1Password. Here’s what to do:

    1. Switch to the 1Password vault in the main app.
    2. While viewing the vault, click on the 1Password menu.
    3. You’ll see an option to ‘Delete 1Password vault’. Select that.

    Now you should have only one vault in 1Password for Mac. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • bepilot
    Community Member


    Thank you for the followup. My 1Password is all well and working great. After all the years and all the password programs I have used - this one is the only one I use and like. As I was a computer dealer for 13 years - people still come to me for suggestions for computer related products. As I have been away from the business too many years to be a valid source - except I do recommend 1Password for anyone using their computer, tablet or smartphone.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's so wonderful to hear, @bepilot! :) Thank you very much.

    I'm so glad that Khad and Megan were able to help you out here. And of course we'll be here for you any time you should need us again. Cheers!

  • bepilot
    Community Member

    Oh--Oh. Tonight I found that about 100 of my passwords were missing. The vault after I finished merging the two vaults and then deleting each of the duplicates ended up with about 390 entries. Tonight there were only 262 when I went to find a password. The password file and over 100 others were missing. So I have restored the system with yesterdays backup which has me with 2 vaults again, but at least I have my missing files. I don't know how this happened, but obviously I need some help.

  • Hi @bepilot,

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!


  • bepilot
    Community Member

    I have been trying to resolve a problem with the system creating duplicate entries when syncing with iCloud. Lar's asked for a diagnostic file and other information. I have replied to Lar's email with the requested information on 4/22/16. I still have not gotten a reply. I am not sure if he received it. Is there something else I am supposed to be doing?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bepilot,

    I merged your post with the existing conversation to keep everything in one place.

    I'm sorry to say that I don't see any email in our inbox from the address you are using on this forum. (It's all I had to go on.) Is it possible you sent the Diagnostics Report from a different email address?

    As Rudy mentioned in his post above, you should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly.

    Thanks for following up on this!

  • bepilot
    Community Member

    khad, He is a copy of the email I received from Lar's and my reply. I attached the diagnostic report he request. The address I replied to was support@agilebits.com.

    Re: [#CMI-83643-746] 1Password 5 Diagnostics Report for John DeCarli
    Hi John,

    Sorry to hear you're having troubles with duplicate entries in 1Password after merging vaults - and thanks for taking the time to write in to us about it. I'm Lars, and I'll be happy to help you. Let's figure out what's going on.

    When you say that you were given instructions "by the team," do you mean our team here at AgileBits? I ask because I see only this one email from you in our history, so unless you spoke with them in another outlet (our forums, perhaps?) or you used a different email address here, I'm not entirely sure what you mean. If the instructions did come from our team, it would be helpful to see the conversation, so we can perhaps ascertain where things went awry.

    Thanks also for sending in the diagnostics report - they're quite useful to us here in Customer Support. What I see from yours is that you appear to have two vaults in 1Password, one called 'default' (which is your Primary vault), and the other called 1Password. I am not sure how this came to pass, but looking at the history of backups available on your hard drive, they contain about 400 items from the beginning of the month right up until yesterday (the 21st), at which time the number jumps to over 750, which must be from the time after you took whatever steps you took.

    The good news is that this means we can roll your 1Password data state back to the previous day (4/20), when there were only 400 items total (including trash), making it as if this had never happened. But before we charge ahead with that, I'd really like to know what advice you were given, by whom, and also get a better idea of what devices you have and what you were initially trying to accomplish. To better understand what’s happening and how to help you, please detail your 1Password setup:

    What is the version number of 1Password that you have installed? (Please include all relevant computers and devices) Our Knowledgebase will help you find your 1Password version information:
    What is the version number of your operating system (for all computers and devices)?
    Which method are you using to keep your 1Password vault(s) in sync between your devices and computers?
    The more information you can give us, the better and more quickly we’ll be able to assist you. Thanks in advance for your response.

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Lars Olsson
    Customer Support House Elf | AgileBits

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Perfect. Thanks for providing that support ID. The domain was different on the email address you used here in the forum and when you sent your Diagnostics Report, so that support ID is very helpful. :)

    We'll work with you via email until everything is resolved so that we are not duplicating efforts or creating any confusion.
    ref: CMI-83643-746

  • bepilot
    Community Member


    Thank you and I will look for your email tomorrow -

  • Sounds good! :+1: :)

This discussion has been closed.