Disappearing band files

Recently noticed a login that should have been in 1password was missing, didn't think much of it but ran into another missing login. Both are logins have used many times on a regular basis. Looked back at my 1password backups and on 12/19, my item count dropped by 18 items. Went from 358 to 340. Compared the two back files and found band_0.js disappeared on 12/19 and even now I still don't have a band_0.js, the files start at band_1.js.

If I restore the band_0.js file, will it cause 1password problems?
Is there supposed to be a band_0.js ?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @DotNetRob,

    Is there supposed to be a band_0.js ?

    Yes, there should be and a band file should not disappear out of nowhere. This sounds like a sync issue with Dropbox as you included Dropbox as the sync type you're using. Can you tell us what other devices and computers you're using that includes Dropbox and 1Password? Do they show missing items as well?

    Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report, please use this guide to generate a diagnostic report to email to us and, in the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • DotNetRob
    Community Member

    Have 2 PC syncing Dropbox, surface pro 3 and a small desktop. Both running windows 10. Also have a windows phone that has the 1password beta.

    Restored the band_0.js file and the missing 18 items have been restored.

    A bit surprised that 1password didn't complain or warn about the missing files.

    Will generate the diagnostics report.

  • Hi @DotNetRob,

    Can you log into your Dropbox.com account in your web browser and click on Events on the left side, see if you can figure out who or what device deleted the band_0.js file.

    A bit surprised that 1password didn't complain or warn about the missing files.

    It doesn't because it is normal to start out with just a few band files and it'll grow to fit up to 16 band files max. In addition, we do overwrite band files with updated band files when you delete and add new items. It is simply not normal to have it disappeared and not restored.

  • DotNetRob
    Community Member

    looks like the delete came from my surface(rsp3), b75 is my desktop. 10/20 is when i converted from the old file format.

    Version 4 (current)

    Edited by Robert Ward ( B75 )
    2 hrs ago 24.27 KB
    Version 3

    Edited by Robert Ward ( B75 )
    2 hrs ago 24.95 KB
    Version 2

    Added by Robert Ward ( B75 )
    2 hrs ago 24.93 KB
    Version 1

    Deleted by Robert Ward ( RSP3 )
    12/19/2015 12:30 PM 24.93 KB
    Version 0 (oldest)

    Edited by Robert Ward ( B75 )
    10/20/2015 1:00 PM 24.93 KB

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @DotNetRob,

    Is there anything strange about your SP3? Could you email us your 1Password diagnostic report from that SP3, so we can see if there's anything out of the norms. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us. In the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

    ref: SWD-96182-542

  • DotNetRob
    Community Member

    dont think there is anything special about the surface.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @DotNetRob: Thanks! I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: SWD-96182-542

  • DotNetRob
    Community Member

    This issue has come up again. had 375 records in my 1password yesterday, today have 350. No band files are missing but something obviously is wrong.

  • DotNetRob
    Community Member

    I was wrong this time Band_5 disappeared

  • jpgoldberg
    1Password Alumni

    I suspect it isn't the most comforting thing to hear us say, "Gee, that shouldn't happen."

    Anyway, we will figure this out through the email discussion, but in the meantime (and for those following along at home), please make sure that at least one of your devices is making good backups.

This discussion has been closed.