Bug OPM-3173 still exists. Any news?

Community Member
edited March 2016 in Mac

The Notes field in a Secure Note gets truncated when it contains Japanese text (OPM-3173). This bug has been around for a long time. With a good localised version for Japanese, this bug stands out even more as a problem here in Japan. Do you have any plans to fix this?

ref: OPM-3173

1Password Version: current
Extension Version: NA
OS Version: any
Sync Type: any
Referrer: forum-search:[Bug OPM-3173 still exists. The Notes field in a Secure Note gets truncated when it contains Japanese text. It's been a long, long time :-( Any news?](https://discussions.agilebits.com/search?Search=Bug OPM-3173 still exists. The Notes field in a Secure Note gets truncated when it contains Japanese text. It's been a long, long time :-( Any news?)


  • Hi @glenn1p,

    We've been trying to reproduce this here but have been unable. For example, I've made a Secure Note with the following text:

    NoteType: Email Account
    Username: Santiago
    Password: sfaslj83fa43432jnjk43
    Server: imap.test.com
    Port: 941
    Type: IMAP
    SMTP Server: smtp.test.com
    SMTP Port: 25

    and it shows up fine. Do you have some sample text we can try? (Make sure your sample doesn't contain personal information)

    Also, can you try to make a secure note with the above example. Does it work for you?

    Finally, what version of OS X are you using?

    If we can get some text that exhibits this problem, it'll give us more data to go on when we fix it.


  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Hi Kevin,

    Your sample was okay. This isn't:

    Some J text here: 何か日本語入力
    finally some E

    Copy the block above with or without the final return after "some E" to paste into a secure note. That line is cut off, and the Notes field won't scroll.

    With that text, it's okay with only lines 1-4. Adding line 5 makes line 5 get cut off. And so on after that.



  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    PS El Capitan 10.11.3, but this bug stretches back several generations of OS if memory serves. I can check Mavericks later.

  • ag_kevin
    edited March 2016

    Hi @glenn1p ,

    Thanks for providing the sample. Unfortunately, it seems to show up fine here. Would you mind posting a screenshot of the above item? (you can crop the screenshot in Preview before sending, to make sure other personal data is not showing). I'm hoping the screenshot of the item details area will provide a visual clue as to what is going on.

    Here's what I see:


  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Hi Kevin,

    Here it is. This is typical:

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @glenn1p,

    Thanks for the screenshot! I'm also unable to reproduce this, that text appears correctly for me in the notes field each time (in both the main app and mini).

    Can you please confirm the exact version of 1Password that is currently installed on your Mac? From the main app, you can find that by going to the menu for 1Password > About 1Password. (You can use the 'Copy to Clipboard' button and paste it in your response if that's easier for you).

    You also said your OS version is "any". Does that mean you've reproduced this on multiple versions of OS X? If so, would you be able to let us know which OS X versions you've recently tested this on? I don't know for sure if that will make a difference, but since we're unable to reproduce this on our end, any information might be helpful. Thanks! :)

  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Yes, it happens on different versions of OS X and 1Password. For example:

    10.11.3 Mac Mini
    Version 6.1 (610006)
    Mac App Store

    10.9.5 MacBook Air
    Version 4.4.2 (442010)
    Mac App Store

    10.10.5 MacBook Air
    Version 6.1 (610006)
    Mac App Store

    I don't remember when this started, but it was a few versions ago, a few years ago.

    If you haven't already, perhaps you could try positioning J and E text on different lines, together on the same line, especially at the end of a line. Also, is Japanese input enabled on your test machine? It is on all of mine.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @glenn1p,

    I just want to let you know that you're not alone or going insane as I can reproduce this just like you can. It happens for me in both the stable version of 6.1 from the Mac App Store and in our own nightly alpha version which I also have on my Mac. So whatever the cause it's real and affecting not just you.

    Maybe @ag_kevin can learn something from my Mac that we wouldn't be able to ask our customers to do so we'll see if we can figure this out.

    I'm sorry it's still ongoing and it will be of great interest to understand why the two of us have this issue and others don't. It doesn't seem to be anything related to the localisation or keyboard settings either because my system is set up for UK and English everywhere and I have the same issue you do.

    ref: OPM-3173

  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Any progress here? Can I help somehow?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @glenn1p,

    I don't think so :(

    There is something that is odd though. I could easily reproduce the issue you were experiencing but now it has disappeared and without any change made by us. I don't know when it specifically happened but I did recently finally make the move to El Capitan and I'm now running 10.11.4. I assume you're up to date too and that you're running 1Password 6.2 for Mac in OS X 10.11.4, is that accurate?

  • glenn1p
    Community Member

    Yes, that's right. And I've just reproduced the problem with a new secure note.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @glenn1p,

    and that's with the same text as before? the

    Some J text here: 何か日本語入力
    finally some E

    This makes it even more frustrating, why could I reliably reproduce your issue but can't now. I don't envy the developers having to pick this apart :(

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables I just tried this as well. Here's some weird results:

    Note that I pasted the text once, saved, no problem. Then I pasted it again, saved, bottom was cut off "a little." Third time is as it looks. Truly weird bug.

  • Hi @vplewis (and others),

    This issue is marked as resolved in our bug tracker, and should show up as such in the next beta of 1Password 6.3.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vplewis: Indeed, and we've since released a new beta. Given that this issue has been difficult to reproduce consistently in the first place, I'm hesitant to declare that its absence for me is in any way definitive. Can you try the latest beta and let me know if it's resolved for you?

  • glenn1p
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Just tried the beta, and I cannot reproduce the problem anymore. Is it too early for congratulations? What the hell — well done!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! Now, I don't want to get carried away, but thanks for the confirmation! Hopefully that's the end of that chapter. :lol: :+1:

This discussion has been closed.