Feature request: Diceware phrases in different languages [Already included in the app]

Community Member
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hi folks,
I would like to request Diceware password phrases in different languages (for me German, Windows and iOS would be great, but IMHO it should be available across all platforms).
Thx in advance.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @alex_zieg: We actually have this already in 1Password for Windows for a few languages, since we're using the standard Diceware lists there and there's an existing German version:

    In the case of 1Password for iOS (and Mac also now) we're using a longer Wordlist which gives better entropy, and there simply aren't any localized version of that. But it's certainly something we can look into adding in the future. Cheers! :)

  • alex_zieg
    Community Member

    uppps. Didn't see the wood for the trees.... THX

  • On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome.

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