unlock to sync iPad with Mac

Community Member

iPad had not been syncing with Mac. It wants Mac's version of 1password to be unlocked.

1Password Version: 6 OSX, n/A IOS,
Extension Version: N/a
OS Version: 10.11.3, 9.2.1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:locking-and-unlocking


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    How are you trying to sync? Dropbox, iCloud, wifi?

    I think you need 1PW on both devices to be unlocked if using wifi, but it should not be necessary in Dropbox sync or iCloud sync.

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dwstclair@mac.com,

    It sounds as if you have wifi syncing setup between your iPad and your Mac. Wifi syncing can only occur if your Mac is open and your 1Password for Mac is unlocked, in order to sync with your iPad. Otherwise there would be no way for them to sync since everything on the Mac would be completely encrypted.

    So please make sure that you have your Mac open and 1Password unlocked and try to initial a sync again.

    Hope this helps.

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