Want to print out a list of identities and password

Community Member

I want to print out a list of identities and passwords, in a 2 -3 page format not 100 pages. Maybe best way to describe it is, can the list be created in column format, with maybe 25 identities and passwords on a page. To print the format they are in now would take 60- 70 pages.

Can the list be put like in Excel format for simple easy printing - I like to keep paper back up for emergency use.

Would appreciate assistance and direction with this opportunity,

Thank, Ed

1Password Version: 6.1 (610005)
Extension Version: 1Password: Password Manager and Secure Wallet
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Cloud
Referrer: forum-search:Want to print out a list of identities and password


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @mredbonse ,

    Try the onepif2html converter, part of the converter suite of utilities. The first post in the link provides a link to a sample's folder. Take a look there. If the format is not to your liking, it can be changed.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mredbonse,

    Does MrC's suggestion help at all? MrC is a community moderator here in our support forums and has helped a large number of people over the years if they'd had problems with transferring data between one program and 1Password. One of the newer things is the ability to convert to HTML and does so in a condensed format compared to our own print format. I will be interested to see if that works for you :smile:

  • mredbonse
    Community Member

    Guess I did not do something correctly - The first file was onepassword-utilities which then opened to clipperz_t01p4.zip which listed 2 file folders and a readme file - I did not see a useable application files that could be used for creating a list of my passwords in an easy to print format.
    Please advise where my mistake is.
    Thanks for yoru assistance in this regard.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @mredbonse,

    It looks like you are grabbing old archives in the Attic.

    Grab the Testing Bits version 1.09 mentioned in the first post. The Testing Bits link mentioned in the first post will take you to a Dropbox location, and once there, you'll see a single archive. That's the one you want.

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