Have multiple independent copies of 1PW - don't want to lose data.

Community Member

2011 - bought 1PW 3 for Family.
2014 - bought 4 individually.
I also have iOS versions. Finally to help me straighten out some,
2016 - bought 1PW in the app store.
Have been running independently collecting PWs, but it has been confusing. How can make sure I don't lose data from my old versions and move everything to the App store version?

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:multiple apps, kb:remove-multiple-apps


  • Hi @ett2,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. I believe we can help you out.

    I see you entered Dropbox for your sync type. Do you have sync set up between any of these versions? e.g. do your iOS devices sync together?

    If so, then I suggest launching the 1Password you purchased this year and set up sync to the same Dropbox that you did for your iOS Devices. Once those are all syncing together, the vaults will merge and you'll have those devices all squared away.

    Information on setting up sync is located here: https://support.1password.com/guides/mac/sync-dropbox.html

    For 1Password 4, it should show you the same data as the one you bought this year. Since version 4, 1Password has stored all of its data in the same location, so you should be good there.

    For 1Password 3, I suggest launching it, exporting all of the items to a .1pif file, and importing that into 1Password 6 that you purchased this year. Once you have done that, trash and delete the .1pif file, as it is not encrypted.

    You can do this by selecting all of the items in your vault, and choosing Export > Selected Items… from the File menu. Then in 1Password 6, choose Import from the file menu and choose 1Password as the source.

    If you have any questions about this or need further assistance, please let us know.


  • ett2
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Hi @ag_kevin,

    Thanks. I am in progress now.

    Question. I have two Dropbox accounts (work computer & home computers) with a privately shared folder in between. Can I put the data file in the shared folder so it can be shared?


  • Hi @ett2,

    Yes, you can certainly sync your file to that folder. We have many customers doing exactly that.


  • ett2
    Community Member

    Awesome! Thanks @ag_kevin,

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @ag_kevin - is there an existing document that details this? Couldn't find one in my brief search.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ett2,

    Are you asking if there's a document that details how to share a 1Password vault with another Dropbox account? If so, you can find that in our knowledgebase here: Can I share an entire vault with my family or co-workers?

    Or were you looking for something that describes how to set up 1Password on a new Mac and sync your existing data? In that case, this section of our user guide is probably what you're looking for: Use existing 1Password data on a new computer

    If I misunderstood your question, please let us know what you're looking for, and we'll be happy to help. Thanks! :)

  • ett2
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Drew_AG,

    Thanks for that help. I need more help. :)

    I have been busy cleaning up duplicates etc.
    I have Password 6.2 (app store) on my main iMac in Dropbox-home account.

    • 1Password (1Password.agilekeychain)
    • 1pw Work (Work.opvault)
    • 1pw Volunteer (Volunteer.opvault)

    Dropbox-home now has some Vaults shared with Dropbox-work account.
    The 1Password (1Password.agilekeychain) was previously shared with the Dropbox-work and I have unshared that.
    Dropbox-work now has:

    • 1pw Work (Work.opvault)
    • 1pw Volunteer (Volunteer.opvault)
      I re-downloaded Password 6.2 (app store) on my Work MacBook.

    I still have passwords from the the 1Password folder and cannot figure out how to access the new shared Vaults.

    Ultimately, I want to be able to share vaults with 3 computers and several iOS devices.

    Thanks for any suggestions you have for me.


    UPDATE - just found a (1Password.opvault) also inside the work folder. I compressed and trashed the original, and now the files seem to be gone (except for trash).

    I have an empty Primary Vault. Do I create a new Work Vault and connect it to the shared Work Vault in Dropbox? I could not figure out another way. I would then repeat the process for the Volunteer Vault.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ett2,

    I'm sorry this has all been so confusing for you! We can definitely help you get this all straightened out. I'm not sure I fully understand exactly how everything is currently set up in 1Password on each Mac you mentioned, and how you'd like for everything to be set up - so just to make sure we're on the same page so we can give you the right steps, I'd like to ask a few more question & confirm a few details.

    Let's start with the two Macs you mentioned in your last message - your main/home iMac and your work MacBook. If I understand, you're currently using 1Password 6 on both of those Macs. Your 1Password vaults are actually stored in a local database on each Mac, and any .agilekeychain and/or .opvault files you have are only used for syncing your vaults between different devices. With that in mind, can you please check a few things:

    On your main/home iMac:

    • Open 1Password and go to 1Password > Preferences > Sync.
    • How many vaults are listed on the left side of the Sync preferences? What is the name of each vault?
    • Select each vault and check the Dropbox sync settings for each one.
    • What is the exact file path & name of the sync file for each vault?

    On your work MacBook (same steps as above):

    • Open 1Password and go to 1Password > Preferences > Sync.
    • How many vaults are listed on the left side of the Sync preferences? What is the name of each vault?
    • Select each vault and check the Dropbox sync settings for each one.
    • What is the exact file path & name of the sync file for each vault?

    Finally, if you can let us know the following:

    • Which vaults on your main/home iMac are supposed to sync with which vaults on your work MacBook?
    • Of the folders that contain .agilekeychain or .opvault files, which ones are shared between your personal and work Dropbox accounts?
    • You said you "have an empty Primary Vault." Is that on your main iMac or work MacBook?

    Once we know all that, we'll be able to give you the exact steps you need to get this all set up properly. Thanks in advance! :)

  • ett2
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    OK. Thanks.
    In my previous post I tried to simplify my situation.
    So first of all I guess I need tackle another issue. On the Main Home iMac, I have 2 Vaults that are synced with 1Password.agilekeychain They appear to be duplicates of of my Primary account, but with different names. How do I get rid of them, without losing data? I made different ones to take their place and synced them properly I think.

    Main/home iMac
    1Password 6.1 from the Mac App Store
    HOME Dropbox account (all sharing done from this account)

    • Primary - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1Password> 1Password.agilekeychain
    • Archived Work - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1pw Archived> Archived.opvault ---[[SHOULD SYNC WITH WORK LAPTOP]]
    • Archived Home - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1pw Archived Home> Archived Home.opvault
    • Volunteer - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1Password> 1Password.agilekeychain ---[[WANT TO DELETE]]
    • Volunteer Data - Archived Home - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1pw Volunteer Data> Volunteer Data.opvault ---[[SHOULD SYNC WITH WORK LAPTOP]]
    • Work - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1Password> 1Password.agilekeychain ---[[WANT TO DELETE]]
    • Work Data - Archived Home - HomeUserName> Dropbox> 1pw Work Data> Work Data.opvault ---[[SHOULD SYNC WITH WORK LAPTOP]]

    I did some experimentation. Now...
    Work MacBook
    1Password 6.2 from the Mac App Store
    WORK Dropbox Account

    • Primary - Syncs with none
      Trash 213 items from Primary account on Home computer.
      HOME Dropbox account (all sharing done from this account)

    Home MBA Laptop
    1Password 6.2 from the Mac App Store
    HOME Dropbox account
    I would like Home Laptop to have access to everything that the Home iMac has.

    • Primary - HomeMBA LaptopUsername> Dropbox> 1Password> 1Password.agilekeychain


  • ett2
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG,

    After noticing I had a slightly older version on my home iMac, I downloaded 6.2.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ett2,

    Thank you so much for the detailed information, it's exactly what I was hoping for! Things can get a little confusing when discussing multiple devices, multiple vaults, multiple Dropbox accounts, and multiple sync files, so your answers really help me understand how things are currently set up and how you want them to be set up. I really appreciate it! :)

    Ok, let's start by taking care of the two vaults on your main/home iMac which are duplicates of your Primary vault:

    On the Main Home iMac, I have 2 Vaults that are synced with 1Password.agilekeychain They appear to be duplicates of of my Primary account, but with different names. How do I get rid of them, without losing data?

    You can delete those 2 vaults, and the data will still exist in your Primary vault and in the sync file in Dropbox. As a precaution, it's always a good idea to make sure you have a fresh backup of your data before making any major changes, and you can do that by opening 1Password and going to File > Backup. Then, just follow these steps:

    On your main/home iMac:

    • Open & unlock 1Password.
    • Switch to the Volunteer vault (use the vault switcher drop-down in the main window, or go to 1Password > Switch to Vault > Volunteer).
    • Go to the menu for 1Password > Delete Volunteer Vault, then click the Delete Vault button to confirm.
    • Switch to the Work vault (use the vault switcher drop-down in the main window, or go to 1Password > Switch to Vault > Work).
    • Go to the menu for 1Password > Delete Work Vault, then click the Delete Vault button to confirm.

    Now you should have 5 vaults on your main/home iMac: Primary, Archived Work, Archived Home, Volunteer Data, and Work Data. And each of those vaults syncs with a separate sync file in Dropbox. At this point, you should be all set on your main/home iMac.

    If I understand, on your work MacBook, you only want to sync 3 of your vaults: Archived Work, Volunteer Data, and Work Data. You originally set up 1Password on your work MacBook by syncing from a 1Password.opvault file in Dropbox, but that had a copy of the items from the Primary vault on your main/home iMac. You don't want that data on your work MacBook, so you moved all those items to the Trash. Is that all correct? If so, go ahead and follow these steps:

    On your work MacBook:

    • Reset the 1Password app by following the steps here: How do I start over?
    • After that, open 1Password and click "Already have 1Password data somewhere else?"
    • Select Dropbox on the "Where is your data?" screen.
    • Click the Choose File button and find/select Archived.opvault, Volunteer Data.opvault, or Work Data.opvault from Dropbox (Note: The one you choose will be the Primary vault on your work MacBook, and you'll use the master password for that vault to unlock the 1Password app on that MacBook.)
    • To sync/add one of the other two vaults, find and double-click its .opvault file in your Dropbox folder (1Password should prompt you to add it, and you'll need to enter its master password).
    • To sync/add the third vault, find and double-click its .opvault file in your Dropbox folder (1Password should prompt you to add it, and you'll need to enter its master password).

    If all goes well up to this point, setting things up on your home MBA Laptop should be very easy. The Primary vault on your home MBA Laptop is already syncing with the Primary vault on your main/home iMac, so all you need to do is add the other vaults:

    On your home MBA Laptop:

    • Find and double-click one of the .opvault files in your Dropbox folder (1Password should prompt you to add it, and you'll need to enter its master password).
    • Repeat the above step for each vault/.opvault file you want to add to 1Password on your home MBA Laptop.

    Please let us know how it all goes! If you run into any problems, we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • ett2
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG,

    Success for all suggested. Thanks!!

    A couple of more questions.

    In the future I would like to rename a Vault. Are these accurate instructions? See the bottom of the post,

    I have an Work iPad connected to the Work Dropbox. I deleted the 1Password, re-downloaded it, and added Work Data.opvault - how do I add the other vaults?

    Thanks again,

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news @ett2! You're very welcome, and I'm glad it all worked out as expected.

    In the future I would like to rename a Vault. Are these accurate instructions? See the bottom of the post,

    If you're referring to Brenty's steps in that discussion (from last October) then yes, those instructions are correct. To summarize: there's no option to rename a vault once you've added it to 1Password for Mac, but as you probably noticed when following my steps, you can choose a name when adding a secondary vault (i.e. when you double-click on the sync file in Dropbox). So if you want to change the name of a secondary vault, just delete that vault from the 1Password app and re-add it from Dropbox. (You should probably make a new backup before doing that, just to be safe.)

    Keep in mind that the name you choose when adding a vault doesn't change the name of the sync file. That's fine and won't be a problem - the vault name doesn't have to match the sync file name. However, if you decide to also rename the sync file, you should do that before re-adding it to 1Password. Changing the name of a sync file in Dropbox will also cause it to stop syncing with the corresponding vault on your other devices, so you'll need to re-enable Dropbox sync for that vault on each device.

    I have an Work iPad connected to the Work Dropbox. I deleted the 1Password, re-downloaded it, and added Work Data.opvault - how do I add the other vaults?

    To sync/add secondary vaults in 1Password for iOS, you'll need to unlock the Pro features (if you haven't already done so). Then you'll be able to go to Settings > Vaults > Sync Additional Vault > Sync with Dropbox, then choose your Dropbox account and select one of the sync files.

    If you have more questions about that, just let us know. Have a great weekend! :)

This discussion has been closed.