why do i get a spinning wheel when opening my vault

Community Member

I am running 1 Password 6 on my Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 and get a long spinning wheel when I enter the master password to open my vault. The same problem is occurring on my MacBook Air -why is this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I am running 1 Password 6.1 on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 I get a spinning wheel at opening


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MJMc,

    I'm sorry you're having this problem with 1Password on both of your Macs!

    To figure out what's going on, we'll need to know a few more details about your setup and the problem:

    • Are you running OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) on both Macs?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on each Mac? (If you're unable to open the app at all, click once on the 1Password app file and go to File > Get Info in the Finder menubar - the window that opens will have the version number.)
    • Are you using the Mac App Store or AgileBits Store version of 1Password?
    • Does 1Password eventually unlock and work correctly, or do you get the spinning wheel indefinitely?
    • Does the delay happen when unlocking the main 1Password app, or when unlocking the browser extension / 1Password mini, or both?
    • If you reboot your Mac, do you still have the same problem, or does it seem to work better?
    • How long have you been having this problem?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • MJMc
    Community Member

    Hi Drew_AG,

    1Password is working like a charm now. After about 5-6 days of spinning wheel lasting for 30 seconds to more than 1 minute each time I opened the application, I re-installed the extensions in my browser (Chrome) and the problem seems to be solved.

    Of course, I'm happy all is well, but I do wonder about why the spinning wheel happened in the first place.

    Thank you for getting back to me.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news @MJMc, I'm really glad to hear it's working correctly now! The spinning wheel can potentially happen for various reasons, so I don't really know exactly why it was happening for you. I'm also not entirely sure why re-installing the browser extension would have made a difference. Hopefully it all continues to work well from now on, but if the problem starts to happen again or if you need anything else, please let us know. Thanks! :)

  • Smudge
    Community Member

    I've been having the same issue for about a month (so it probably started with the 6.1 update)

    • I reinstalled the browser extensions a few weeks ago but it didn't help. I just did it again as part of the troubleshooting, and especially since it resolved it for @MJMc
    • When unlocking, the lock image sometimes pauses/stutters.
    • If the image doesn't pause, the menu will appear but the menus are not selectable as the the app hangs.
    • The vault name is not shown until the app recovers.
    • The hang lasts anywhere between 15 seconds and 1.5 minutes
    • When the app resumes, it works fine
    • It happens when unlocking from a browser extension (Chrome or Safari), the 1P Mini icon, and the 1P application
    • After it is unlocked, additional access to 1P is instant
    • If I lock 1P then immediately unlock it, it hangs again
    • The hanging problem goes away if I quit 1P Mini and start it again by launching 1P app
    • The problem returns after a long period (I usually notice it the following day)
    • Rebooting the computer resolves the problem (until the next day)
    • It is happening on an iMac (10.11.4) and a MacBook Pro (10.10.5)
    • Both are running 1P 6.2.1 (AgileBits Store version) and the latest browser extensions

    I have 4 vaults configured and syncing via Dropbox. The helper log shows sync start/finish entries as soon as I unlock but before the hang. Nothing in the log after that.

    I just triggered the hang from 1P Mini and right after the hang started, I triggered a sysdiagnose. Since that contains a lot of info about my system, I prefer not to send it. If there is a specific file from the diagnostic dump that would help, just ask. Since the Finder was the front app, some of the stack trace details are for the Finder and not 1P Mini. When the problem returns, I'll try to capture a dump when launching 1P app instead.

    If there is anything else you need to help resolve this problem, please ask.


  • rickfillion
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Smudge,

    We'd love more information from you. But we'd get more if you opted into our Betas in Preferences > Updates. Could you update to the latest beta, and when you encounter the problem again with the beta build, I'd love a Diagnostics Report using our tool which basically just grabs our logs and the system log so that we can see what's going on. If possible, I'd also like a Sample using Activity Monitor during a slow unlock. To do so:

    • Open Activity Monitor from /Applications/Utilities
    • Search for '1Password mini' in the search field in the upper right
    • Select 1Password mini in the list
    • Trigger the unlock of 1Password
    • Switch back to Activity Monitor
    • Click the button in the toolbar that has a gear on it and downward facing chevron
    • Select 'Sample Process' from the menu
    • Let it do its thing for a few seconds
    • It will generate a report and let you save it using a button in the upper right.

    If you could email the sample and the diagnostics report to support+forums@agilebits.com, I'd love to take a look at them. We have an open bug about this issue (OPM-3829) and it's very much so something we want to see fixed. We're slowly ruling different things out based on logs we're getting back from users.


    ref: OPM-3829

  • Smudge
    Community Member

    I upgraded to the beta and reinstalled the browser extensions. I haven't seen the issue return in the last 2 days on either of my Macs. So either the reinstall of the extensions fixed it, just like it did with @MJMc or it doesn't happen under the 6.9 beta.
    I know that is frustrating and doesn't help to narrow down the problem but at least 1P is working fast again.

    Of course if it happens again, I'll be sure to send the diagnostics.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the update, @Smudge! And thanks for switching to the beta. Hopefully you won't see this issue again, but we'd love to take a look at the Diagnostics Report and Sample if you do. ;) Cheers!

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