Suggestion: ability to link items between vaults

Community Member

I have two vaults on my Mac (one with everything (Primary) and a subset of these to have on my phone (OTG) ). Right now I can copy/move an entry from the Primary to OTG and then when I sync the data appears on the phone. But if I have to update an item in Primary I have to copy it to the OTG vault to have it available on the phone. It'd be great if in addition to copy/move there was an ability to keep the copied item linked to where is was copied from. Then if I change the associated data in Primary it is automatically updated in the OTG vault as well.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.11.4
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Rich99,

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I’m curious as to why you feel the need to duplicate these items and have them in both your Primary and your ‘on the go’ vault. With All Vaults in 1Password, you can have easy access to all of your data at once, no matter which vault it is stored in. It’s one of my favourite recent features of 1Password, actually (since I have 20+ vaults and counting!) You can even customize which vaults are displayed in All Vaults. So, for example, if you have an ‘Archive’ vault which is really only there so you don’t delete an item that you might need at some point in the distant future, that vault can be hidden in All Vaults.

    In any case, I’m happy to pass your suggestion along, but if you have a moment, I would love to hear a bit more about why you’ve chosen to set 1Password up the way you have. It helps us so much to learn how users make use of the features in 1Password. :)

  • Rich99
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply @Megan, I'm not a very trusting person so I don't want to have all the access codes and info that is stored in 1Password on my Mac available on my phone. I have the free version of the iOS app so I get only a single vault on the phone and I don't want to keep information that I never use with the phone on the phone. Syncing is also a problem if I want to have separate vaults like this. Wi-fi doesn't work (it only syncs the Primary vault), so I use Dropbox as the mechanism and I don't want to have the full Primary vault on Dropbox either. I could go the folder route but since the small subset vault works I haven't needed to.

    Things work and I'm glad 1Password is as flexible as it is. The suggestion was just for something to consider and also to find out if I was just missing a way to accomplish this inside the current version.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Rich99,

    Thanks for sharing more about your use case! I can certainly understand wanting to keep some information off of your mobile device. That’s one of the things that multiple vaults is great for.

    Syncing is also a problem if I want to have separate vaults like this. Wi-fi doesn't work (it only syncs the Primary vault), so I use Dropbox as the mechanism and I don't want to have the full Primary vault on Dropbox either.

    You are right that Dropbox is the best way to achieve what you’re looking for here. And there’s no reason to sync the primary vault to Dropbox if you’re only interested in keeping the on-the-go vault synced up with your iPhone.

    It sounds like you’ve got everything set up as I would suggest, although I’m still not certain why you’re duplicating items in the primary vault and your secondary vault. As I mentioned above, All Vaults will ensure that you can view the contents of both vaults at one time. Since you can view both vaults easily on the Mac, it would seem far simpler to me to have the item live in one vault or the other. Have you seen the new All Vaults feature that we recently introduced into 1Password for Mac?

    All Vaults is now the default view in 1Password for Mac, and it means that you can see all of your data at once, no matter which vault it lives in. It’s pretty nifty!

  • Rich99
    Community Member

    You are right @Megan about simplifying the Mac view by using the All Vaults feature and I'll take your advice and do that. Thanks!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Rich99,

    Awesome! I’m so glad I was able to help. :)

    If you have any other questions about 1Password, you know where to find us.

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