Why is your regenerate password feature broken on twitter?

Community Member

In the news it was suggested that 32k users of Twitter.com have had the passwords compromised. So I login to change my password. I go to the page where you change it. It asks for Current Password, New Password and Confirm Password. How is 1PW supposed to handle this scenario with the LEAST amount of fuss and frustration?

Let me tell you what I did which was very frustrating.

I went to my menu bar (on Mac OSX El Capitan) and selected the 1PW icon. I hovered on Twitter account login entry there and then clicked on Edit. Went to the hidden pw field and clicked on Reveal so I can see it (good thing I did as you will see in a moment). I happened to click Generate button and generated a new pw. That is when I realized the form above wanted my CURRENT password. Whoops, I just wiped it out. FRUSTRATION! Being a longer time user of 1PW I remembered is has a history of passwords. I accessed that and found the previous pw, copied it and pasted it into the Current PW input. I then noted the new pw I had generated and clicked Copy, then pasted that twice into the New PW and Confirm PW inputs. I clicked Save on the twitter form. Up pops 1PW dutifully asking if I want to Update my Twitter login account in 1PW. This is kind of lame as I already did update it. (Where does it think I got the stinkin new pw from? Ok 1PW didn't know that necessarily but this points out the stupid frustrating flow you guys have for updating new passwords.) I figured no harm done if I click Yes so I did. BAD CHOICE. I did a reveal on the updated pw it just updated and it's the OLD pw!!!! WTF!!!!! How idiotic is that!!!! FRUSTRATION x10! Now I have a new pw saved in my twitter.com account but 1pw has just overwritten it and I have no history of that new pw anymore! Locked out! Bad bad!

I thought 1PW had a history of all generated passwords. I went searching for that and can't find it anymore. Don't know where it went. If it's still there, it's buried. There is a Passwords menu item in the Chrome 1PW plugin menu which brings up this long list of URLs which is sorted but doesn't strip out www. on any URLs that have that so you have list that's hard to identify a website in. It didn't list twitter.com AT ALL. So no idea how that list is generated.

I have had this frustration before when trying to regenerate a new pw for a site. I challenge you AgileBits to review the workflow involved with multiple common sites and see just how easy/difficult you make it to update. If there is a simple easy way, it's not intuitive or obvious. There are multiple paths one can take and missteping once like I did should not have me fall off the narrow winding path never to recover without frustration. Please fix this process. It's painful. It needs some serious UX eyes on it. Just walk through the steps I did above and see for yourselves what I refer to.

My only redemption on this case was I had also gotten a prompt by my Chrome browser to save the same new password when I saved it in my twitter account. I usually say No to that prompt because I want 1PW to store my pw not the browser. But this time I did save it so I could go in and retrieve the new pw that 1PW so easily tossed out the window. What if I had NOT noticed the password Updated in 1PW was the old one? Most people would have not noticed and moved on. Days, weeks, months later when they need to log back into twitter... lo... the 1PW value is wrong, stale, useless.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 6.3.1
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hey @Teaman,

    Sorry about your headache, I will admit that I used to have the same problem when updating my passwords. I used to use a method like the one you describe and it was very frustrating for me as well.

    I recommend trying the method outlined in the 1Password User Guide for Mac:

    It has you use the Browser Extension for the entire process and not only speeds things up considerably it also removes almost any chance of error.

  • Hi @Teaman ,

    I'm sorry for the frustration you had when changing your password. What I recommend doing is opening the main 1Password app and clicking "All Items" - then sort by Last Modified date and it will show the most recently created and changed items at the top.

    For the future, the link @rogerdodger mentioned should work for you. If you have any trouble with that in the future, please let us know.

    And for the record, we absolutely will review the password changing process. It can be difficult as each site has a different workflow but we will do our best to simplify this process.


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