Freeze or internal_error when checking for updates [Should be fixed as of 2016-10-17]

Community Member
edited October 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows


When I select Help > Check for New Version in the 1Password Windows app, I am immediately met with the following error:

An internal error unrelated to the peer or the correctness of the
protocol makes it impossible to continue (such as a memory
allocation failure). This message is always fatal.

I tried uninstalling 1Password and reinstalling, but that did not change the behavior. I use multiple vaults and have plenty of free memory. I don't use a proxy or have any advanced networking configurations.

Thank you for your help!

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 Anniversary
Sync Type: Dropbox

AgileBits update: An issue with the GlobalSign root certificate authority yesterday is still affecting some people.

You may be able to resolve it by clearing the certificate cache on your PC. Otherwise you'll have to wait for it to propagate. In the mean time though, if you disconnect from the internet temporarily you can open 1Password without checking for updates.



  • diaz79
    Community Member

    When I open 1password it checks for updates automaticly. As it allways has done, the message "Please wait while we check for a new version...." appears. The problem from today is that it just hangs there for 5-10 minutes before I can begin to use the program insted of 1 second. If I close it and want to restart it the same problem occurs. If i press anything or try to press cancel the program crashes. I can open and use the browser extecion as normal, if I do not open the desktop app. I have tried to uninstall 1password and reinstall it, I have even run a image backup that restored my whole computer, but same problem. I use it problem free on my mac and android phone. Sorry for my english.

    1Password Version:
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Windows 10 64bit
    Sync Type: dropbox

  • verkholantsev
    Community Member

    When checking for new versions is caused an internal error on one device (Windows 10 Pro 64), and other similar device 1Password hangs when starting.

  • bioxx
    Community Member

    Same problem here since this morning UK time. I have the its checking for updates but your server is down. It keeps sitting there and freezes. No problem until yesterday. Re-installed, re-booted no change.

    Is it your server? Or what's wrong?

  • geggesfili
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. What can i do? (Windows 10 64 Bit, version )

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @garbage_dude69: I'm sorry for the trouble! I haven't seen that particular error before, but it sounds like a connection failure. I'm not seeing that here. though. It sounds like you were able to download the app from the AgileBits website at least. I wonder if the widespread DNS issues yesterday are still affecting you. If so, you may be able to resolve it by clearing the certificate cache. We'll look into this as well.

  • garbage_dude69
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty ! Thanks for the quick response. I tried deleting the certificate cache per your suggestion, but unfortunately it did not change the behavior.

    I should add that I just discovered this today and noticed that I was on 4.6.0.x, so it has probably been many months that the updates have been failing until I updated manually to

  • interlan
    Community Member

    The same Error for me !

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @garbage_dude69: Sorry for the confusion there! was released just this past week, so you weren't far behind at all. And we've only received reports of this error today. I'm glad you were able to install the new version though.

    @verkholantsev: I hope you don't mind, but I've moved your post to an existing discussion on this issue.

    @interlan: I'm sorry for the trouble!

    Please see my previous post above with more details about a workaround. This only seems to be affecting some folks, and either way once the fallout from the CA issue clears up we'll have this behind us.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bioxx, @geggesfili, @diaz79: I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I've merged you posts into the existing discussion about this. Please see my comments above for details on the problem and workarounds.

    Just to clarify, is the latest version of 1Password for Windows version 4, so if you've already got that you don't need to update again at this time.

  • bioxx
    Community Member

    I just tried again and its still not working. Any idea when it could be fixed?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    When I check on help, Check for new version, 1Password throws an error message. Never had this happen before this latest update.

    1Password Version:
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Windows 7 Pro
    Sync Type: None

  • interlan
    Community Member

    Your workaround ist not relevant ( not working ).
    I think this issue has something to do with Kaspersky Internet Security.
    I have to disable( all Features ) the Kaspersky to check for 1Password Updates !????

  • Hi guys,

    We are investigating this and right now, it is pointing to the certificate issue, we have the same issue with sites in certain situations. Performing the workarounds that GlobalSign recommended unfortunately didn't resolve the issue for us.

    @Interlan, I can reproduce the same error without any AV installed, it is affecting all of our Windows customers as the Globalsign certificate problem is a global issue that will take 3 days to clear out globally.

  • bioxx
    Community Member

    Good to know that you can reproduce it. Its a step in the right direction. I don't think its Kaspersky coz so far 1PW+KIS have played nicely together

  • I'm glad to hear KIS is working with 1Password nicely, we've had a few issues in the past but they've fixed the compatibility issues for us.

  • @Steve_H I've merged your thread with this one. It's a known issue that we're working on resolving. There are strong indications that this problem occurred because of a certificate issue with GlobalSign that affected a good number of websites yesterday.

    Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.



  • mr_limpet
    Community Member

    stuck searching for new version. unable to open 1password

    1Password Version: 4
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: win 7
    Sync Type: Not Provided
    Referrer: forum-search:while loading 1password window on screen "please wait while we check for a new version" stays there

  • windowsGuy
    Community Member

    Although my browser integration was working, I noticed my Chrome add-in shows a red light on the key icon, so I started running that down.

    As instructed, I tried checking for the latest version in the 1P application. I get the error
    "internal_error: An internal error unrelated to the peer or correctness of the protocol makes it impossible to continue (such as a memory allocation failure). This message is always fatal."

    Fortunately I am still alive, so I uninstalled/reinstalled 1P from The error is still there. Now the browser integration in Firefox and Chrome do seem to have stopped working (I need to log into each, even with the app unlocked). Reinstalling the add-ins didn't seem to work.

    Can anyone recommend next steps?

    1Password Version:
    Extension Version: 4.6.1
    OS Version: Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
    Sync Type: Not Provided
    Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:internal_error, kb:undefined, kb-search:internal_error

  • Jeff12345
    Community Member

    My 1Password crashes wenn i open it, reinstalling doesnt work at all.

    (Sorry for my bad english) (cant upload it here)

    1Password Version:
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Windows 10
    Sync Type: Dropbox

  • rgrunloh
    Community Member

    I'm having the same prob. with ver. on windows 10 ver 1511 (OS build 10586.589). It just started today after windows patching and reboot. No change that I know of to 1password. I don't use browser integration, so it seems to work other than checking for updates. Have we reached the point where the 1password 6 "beta" would be a wiser choice? I need the multi-vault feature anyway.


  • rgrunloh
    Community Member

    (update) never mind I see it's a cert thing. No prob. for me for update checking. However if I were running the family version and syncing data changes, would that work? I've paid for the family version but haven't implemented it pending windows support coming out of beta.
    Using dropbox now but want to remove it.
    thanks rg

  • hudl2user
    Community Member

    My 1Password for windows installs (2 x machines 2 different Win opsys) fatally hang upon opening with a "checking for update" message. I can only get the program to open by creating a shortcut and adding the -no-update switch. Is the 1Password application update system working ok?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • tsanchai
    Community Member

    Yes the same problem here. 1Password in my Windows 10 notebook PC just hang when I hit Check for updates. And it just go nowhere. The only solution is to force quit then restart 1Password.

    This just happened a few days ago. Can you please fix.

  • bioxx
    Community Member

    Still not working this morning. I unplugged the network cable, launched 1PW and disabled auto update. Now I can at least open it.

  • sniem
    Community Member

    Does repro here with Windows Insider build 14946, too. But I've had already installed the latest 116 build before the upgrade. Kind of glad to see that it's not the Windows build that has caused the issue ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Does repro here with Windows Insider build 14946, too. But I've had already installed the latest 116 build before the upgrade. Kind of glad to see that it's not the Windows build that has caused the issue ;)

    @sniem: lol I hear you! Bad timing like that makes me paranoid. :lol:

    Still not working this morning. I unplugged the network cable, launched 1PW and disabled auto update. Now I can at least open it.

    @bioxx: I'm really sorry for the hassle. I'm not sure there's anything we can do about this but wait it out for a few days, but we'll continue to pursue this. :blush:

  • bioxx
    Community Member

    Its all right for now. I doubt that there will be many (important) updates in the next few days. It will sort itself out eventually.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @mr_limpet: I'm sorry for the trouble! I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your post with the existing discussion.

    An issue with the GlobalSign root certificate authority yesterday is still affecting some people.

    You may be able to resolve it by clearing the certificate cache on your PC. Otherwise you'll have to wait for it to propagate. In the mean time though, if you disconnect from the internet temporarily you can open 1Password without checking for updates.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @jeff12345, @rgrunloh, @windowsGuy: Sorry for the confusion! I've moved your posts to the existing thread on the certificate issue that's affecting some internet users. Please see my comments above for more details and let me know if you have any questions!

This discussion has been closed.