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Are folders gone forever?

I've seen a few discussions about using tags instead of folders. Are folders disabled permanently? Why doesn't this work if it's still advertised and in the app it still looks like you can use them?

I have a large amount of data I need to enter and am planning on using folders to help organize because I don't think only using tags is going to cut it.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi Brian,

    I hope you don't mind -- I've moved this thread to our Accounts category as it doesn't seem to be an iOS specific question. accounts do not support folders. They do support tags, which arguably serve the same function (though we have heard feedback from customers they would still like folders anyway). At this time we do not have any definite plans to implement folders within accounts, but that doesn't mean we've decided to never do it. It just isn't on the roadmap quite yet. A detour could potentially be added.

    For the most part our recommendation with "organizing 1Password data" would be the same as Google's philosophy on organization: "search, don't sort."
    That said there are certainly some instances where organization makes sense (or is required) and we think in most cases tags will be able to help with that. If you have a specific use case where tags don't work, we'd be interested in hearing about that.

    Folders do still exist in vaults created by our standalone products (vaults that are not associated with a account). The apps themselves still have the ability to make use of them. It is the service which does not.

    Thanks for taking the time to write in! I hope this explanation helps. If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  • Thanks for the quick response. I will have to try using the tag function for what were doing then.

    In response to asking what wouldn't work for us about tags... We have a lot of different types of information we would like to keep that relate to our business and sometimes I even forget what different service names are used for what. Its a lot to keep track of and I am concerned that with only using tags and trying to search that it could take some time to find what i'm looking for.

    Thanks again,

  • Martok
    Community Member

    For the most part our recommendation with "organizing 1Password data" would be the same as Google's philosophy on organization: "search, don't sort."

    The thing is, my understanding of smart folders is that they are effectively saved searches.

    When I asked about adding a "No Tags" or "Untagged" tag here

    a smart folder solution was suggested, but this can't be done with 1Password accounts. It was then mentioned that the same search can still be done, it just can't be saved. This means that every time they same procedure for this particular search needs to be carried out, which is tedious compared to using a smart folder.

    Obviously in my case the suggestion I made is the best solution but it does seem to me that if searching is the way to go to find things then some way of saving search parameters needs to be implemented, whether that be the inclusion of smart folders for 1Password accounts or a similar solution.

  • Thank you for the follow-up feedback @neonproductionsupply and @Martok. It’s certainly a topic we know many users have passionate opinions about and something we chat about quite a bit internally.

    Tags are viewable from the sidebar of our desktop applications and from the organize tab on mobile, essentially pinning them in place for quick reference if that helps speed up workflow at all. :)

  • Martok
    Community Member

    @SeanFoster just to pick you up on a couple of points:

    Firstly, tags doesn't help the situation I have of finding items that haven't been tagged (hence the suggestion I made for a "No Tags" or "Untagged" tag) which requires a search to do this (and the search cannot be saved for easy reuse with 1Password accounts unlike non-accounts that can use a smart folder for this).

    Secondly, tags are not available at all on the Android version of 1Password, nor is there an organise tab in the Android app. So as things currently stand, tags are no use whatsover on Android devices.

    Hopefully the development of the Android app will catch up with that of the iOS app in the near future, which will help, though I still think that some way of saving search criteria is needed to complement tags (and more complex searches using criteria as can be used on the desktop app also needs adding as the current search is basic).

  • Thank you @Martok! :chuffed: I really like your idea of a Untagged filter, I’ll see if I can convince the development team of it’s merits as well.

    You’re right, and I apologize for my misleading earlier comment regarding the Tag situation on Android devices. I do know it is very high on the To-Do list for the Android team. If we are no longer going to support Folders, and promote Tags as being as useful as we think that they are, we have to provide the best possible user experience using Tags that we can, across all devices. I appreciate you keeping us on our toes!

  • @Martok I also wanted to follow up here and mention that you can find untagged items in 1Password for Mac using search options:

    Use search options to narrow down your search

    Simply add the "Number of tags" filter and change the parameter to "is". Then leave the last field blank and you'll get all the items that don't have tags right now. :) Hope that helps boost your organizing efforts.

  • Martok
    Community Member

    @Jacob thanks for the reminder about this, which was mentioned to me in this thread that I referred to in my post above

    Whilst that is useful for now, it does require several clicks whereas my suggestion in that thread would require just a single click on a "No Tags" or "Untagged" tag. Hopefully it will be considered as I think it could be a neat solution. :)

  • Ah, I missed that post. I see what you mean — a quick click is always handy. :+1:

This discussion has been closed.