I can't enter to the app, or log in to the website. Nor do anything!!
I made a 1password account almost a week ago, (which i never used before) and logged in to 1password as normal. In the course of these days, my old 1pw data from my old PC was merged to the app/account of the new one. Used the service for some days with no problem, but today, things changed.
Somehow, I typed and almost sent my master password (the first one) through google login as I was trying to enter to Youtube from a new browser in the new pc, and, a little bit paranoid, decided to change the master password. As i have many email accounts and such, had to switch between them and copypaste a lot of data, confirming new account logins of google and such.
When I changed my master password, only did i changed it trough the 1password windows app. I was scared because the app didn't let me enter, and thought i was stuck. But when my old master password (the first) was used, the app would let me in. That's when I realized that the password was changed on the website/account, not on the app. And I changed the master password settings of the account, setting it the same as the app.
Well, everything nice, it was time to try again to enter to YT, but this time, i actually sent my new (second) master password to google. Ugh, time to change the master password again. This time, i managed to log to YT before i changed my master password.
I did everything mentioned before, again. However, when I generated my third master password in the app, i'm somewhat sure that i copied (or typed, i dont remember exactly) the old (second) password into the "old password" in the "change master password" on the 1pw website account. Did the same with the third master password (again, not sure if copied of typed), and i wrote down (the third) one on paper. Saved the third master password to the app. Logged out the app and the site to test the password, and typed the third master password. But it wouldn't let me in.
I'm not sure if another password was generated or what happened, I tried to backtrack every single thing i copypasted, tried old master passwords, tried variations of the third master password, with no avail.
Nothing of value was lost, as i have most of the data on the old PC. Everything is there except for two or three new account generated with this new app.
I can't enter to the app nor the website, I can't log on to anything!!
I tried to reset the data AKA: Starting over on the app, but it still can't let me in because i need the master password.
Not sure what to do, please help.
1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: NA (I don't use the extension)
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Sync Type: N.A
PS: By the app, I'm not talking about the mobile app, but the 1password desktop software
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Hi @Troubledguy123 -- sorry you've had, uh, troubles. But let's see what we can do to fix that. :)
Rather than try to forensically dig through what happened in this case, since you say you have access to all the data in an older PC, what I'd recommend is that we focus on getting your data back into a working account. What you'll need to do is write in to support+forum@agilebits.com and link to this thread. We'll confirm your email address and get you a way to delete any existing account you have, then you can sign up using the same email address (or a different one, if you like), reset 1Password on your PC, and re-transfer your data over from the existing data you have into the new account.
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Hi there @Troubledguy123,
I wanted to let you know that we've received your email and we'll continue this with you from there.
ref: IEE-33988-451