I am locked out of 1 password. switched from an iphone6 to an 8 plus. have my PW but cant access

Community Member

Upgraded my iPhone 6 to an iPhone 8 Plus. Did this at the i store. They backed up my files However My 1Password files did not transfer over. I do have my password but can't access the portal. I am not a member. If I subscribe, can i have access to my 1password.
All my passwords are stored in my vault. Is there any way to access my information.
Need help please!
Thank you,
David Shapiro

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I am locked out of 1 password. switched from an iphone6 to an 8 plus. have my PW but cant access


  • Hi @fsgpro,

    I’m sorry to hear about the trouble.

    To access the data in your 1Password vault you’d first need to actually have your 1Password vault. If the store that transferred your information for you did not transfer this then I’d suggest going back to them and asking them to do so. If you haven’t been using a 1Password subscription membership then we wouldn’t have your data, and by default it would be stored only on your device. Information about backing up and restoring 1Password data can be found here:

    1Password backups


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