Delays syncing -

Community Member

Wondering how sync works on the vaults.

If I update a password on Mac #1, and then go over to Mac #2, when should I expect to see that change reflected? It seems that if Mac #2 is online, then there's a 50% chance that the sync will occur within a reasonable timeframe (say, 2 minutes). If Mac #2 is sleeping, and I wake it up, it will NOT sync unless I Lock and Unlock the vault.

My expectation is that syncing should occur in real-time for all connected 1P clients, and that if a client regains network connectivity (like when a laptop wakes up), it should immediately perform a sync operation without my having to do anything. 1Password X should also behave in the same way.

Using v7 on all devices Macs/phones, and whatever the latest 1P X for Chromebooks.


1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    Just to add that I observed this again today. Logged in to my office computer and changes made on my laptop last night were not reflected. Had to Lock and Unlock to get it to sync.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @aivnvaquwkjxolts! I'm not aware of any such issues we have in general; are Macs #1 and #2 on the same network/IP address? Or is one at work and one at home or similar? Also, how are you determining sync is/is not happening?

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Same LAN. Here's what I did, specifically as a test:

    1. Last night, on laptop, make changes (add new site A, change password on site B, whatever)
    2. Observe that the sync was made correctly (by logging in to the web vault and seeing that the change was made there). Also confirmed on phone.
    3. This morning, wake up desktop Mac. (Chrome still open from last night, 1p still logged in, no auto-lock because user-switching had not occurred)
    4. Look at the vault and see that the changes are not there (site A missing, old data for site B )
    5. Lock and unlock vault via menu
    6. Now data sync occurs and everything is good

    I shouldn't have to perform step 5... the 1p client should by syncing periodically and upon network change/sleep status/etc.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @aivnvaquwkjxolts - OK, thanks for the elaboration.

    I shouldn't have to perform step 5

    I agree. But there may be a number of reasons why you are having to do so currently. Let me ask you to do this: the next time you run into such an issue, open a browser and sign into your account directly on Look for your updates/changes. If you see the update has reached our server, then you'll know the problem is somewhere on Mac #2 that hasn't updated yet. If you can't see your edits/additions on our server either, then you'll know Mac #1 is where the problem is. Let us know what you discover.

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    As I mentioned, the changes are definitely being sent to the server, that was step 2. They propagated to my phone as well, but that's because it performs a sync each time you open the app. The issue here is that the Mac client (and also 1P X) doesn't seem to periodically update itself. If there are sync logs that I can enable on the client side, so we can see when it tries to sync, let me know where to find them.

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    To eliminate confusion, somewhere within the 1P client, we should be able to see the time of last sync (and method, for people with various local vaults/WLAN/dropbox), and have the option to Sync Now. Silly to have to lock and unlock.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    The issue here is that the Mac client (and also 1P X) doesn't seem to periodically update itself.

    Both of them do - and quite quickly, in fact. At least in our testing, which I just re-confirmed here, using my iOS device on mobile data and my home Mac on the house broadband connection. That means something's amiss, either with your Mac's connectivity, or with your copy of 1Password. Without looking more closely, it's hard to say which. That's why, at this point, to get a better idea of what might be going on with your 1Password setup, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.



    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending them:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.

    ref: JVG-54938-185

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    To provide some additional info... I've monitored the network traffic from the 1P client to my vault, and I can see that it does perform a re-sync upon network change (such as toggle wifi off/on). However, upon waking from sleep, no sync is performed, and a periodic sync seems to occur at very long intervals, like over an hour, possibly never. I can't tell if this is unique to v7 or not.

    i did discover a workaround, though. Clicking from "All Vaults" to my "Private" vault will cause a refresh. So that's an easy way to force a re-sync. Even better is that Cmd-0/1 is a shortcut to do that.

    Also, technically, it appears that listening for network changes via the reachability api doesn't trap sleep/wake events; that has to be done separately with sleep/wake notification. Might also want to monitor user login after lock.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the additional details. If you're still having trouble, definitely send the diagnostics Lars requested and we'll look into it further. :)

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    Just wanted to chime in that I still observe this behavior with 7.07. On multiple machines, not just one. This doesn't seem to be a config-related issue. It's completely reproducible: (1) Simply make a change on one machine, and (2) observe that the change is immediately synced to other machines that are online at that moment (perfect); (3) any machine that is sleeping won't get the update until the vault is refreshed by any forced method (lock/unlock, switch vaults, network change, etc.). I have various versions of macOS as well, so that can't be it. I read thru the diags file, and it's all about what's installed and so on. As a dev, I know this is unlikely to help. I'm curious though if you guys are able to conduct the same test as described here but see it actually perform a sync.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the update, @aivnvaquwkjxolts. What would be better from our perspective, instead of trying to replicate the behavior you're experiencing, is to get a look at what the logs in the diagnostics report on your devices show, since yours are the devices actually exhibiting the behavior. If you'd like to send those in, we're happy to let you know what we see.

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    Sent. Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2018

    @aivnvaquwkjxolts - thanks! One of us will be with you shortly. :)

    ref: JVG-54938-185

  • verdi1987
    Community Member

    I have also had a long-standing issue with updates not syncing after a Mac has been sleeping. I force the sync by quitting 1P completely and relaunching it.

    I have a 1P Account with no standalone vaults.

    From reading the forums, it appears this issue occurs for at least a handful of people. While I realize it may not be expected behavior, it does happen for some. A "Sync Now" option (even if buried in a menu) would be appreciated. :-)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @verdi1987 - I'm sorry for the trouble! If you've been perusing the forum for other threads pertaining to this issue, you'll probably have noticed at least one of us sharing our reasons for not having a "Sync Now" button. Briefly, if there is something wrong with sync that's our own issue, it needs to be solved, no papered over with a band-aid like a "force sync" button would be. And if it's NOT our issue (like something wrong with the local network environment that's not allowing our notifier to work), then it's not anything a "sync now" button would solve in many cases anyway -- and it could easily wind up creating as many problems as it solves.

    You also don't need to quit 1Password 7 for Mac completely in order to get it to sync; locking and unlocking will also cause a sync to occur.

    When your issue occurs, what's the specific situation? Is 1Password for Mac locked? Or do you not have it set to lock on sleep? What have you changed, and on which other device(s)? Are you on a wi-fi connection or direct ethernet? What specific version of 1Password for Mac are you using, and what version of macOS?

  • verdi1987
    Community Member

    @Lars, these are the conditions under which the issue occurs (and I just reproduced it):

    1. 1Password is set not to lock on sleep. All options on the Security tab are disabled.
    2. The Mac has been asleep for more than several minutes (say, 30 min. or more). The database updates seem to work fine if the Mac has only been asleep for a short time (a few minutes).
    3. The changes (new entries or copies) were made on either iOS or another Mac.
    4. Mac is connected via Ethernet. I can test to see if the issue occurs on Wi-Fi later.

    The current version of 1P is 7.2.5.BETA-1 (70205001) on macOS 10.14.3, but the issue has been occurring for as long as I can remember (frequent enough that I have a workaround for it).

    I am not using a VPN. I have the macOS firewall enabled; "Block all incoming connections" is disabled.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @verdi1987 - we'll continue to look into things on our own end, but as I've said in other recent threads, this kind of notifier-not-firing issue has always turned out to be something to do with users' local network configurations, either some piece of software on their Mac (Little Snitch, Firewall, A/V software, etc), or in their local network environment (in the router or other network device). I'd recommend you look in your IPS/firewall logs, the hostname that you should see would be, on port 443. See if something's preventing or blocking that.

This discussion has been closed.