Upgraded to 1Password 7 - lost all One Time Passwords

Community Member

I just upgraded from the standalone version 6 to version 7 (stand alone, as well) and lost ALL of my one time passwords in the process.

Restoring an older backup of my data didn't fix the issue and I'm effectively locked out of dozens of services I use daily. Waiting to hear back from support, but did anyone else experience this during their upgrade and how did you fix it?

It looks like the sync already overwrote the data on my iPhone and iPad too. I'm afraid to look at my laptop or other Mac in fear those are wiped too and I'm going to be locked out of every service I need daily.

1Password Version: 7.0.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.5
Sync Type: iCloud


  • mikejandreau
    Community Member

    I think I managed to fix it.

    I restored a really old backup and then forced it to sync to Dropbox and it looks like I've got that data back new. Phew!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @mikejandreau! I'm sorry for the trouble, and I'm glad to hear you were eventually able to restore your data in a form usable to you. That's the main goal

    I have to say, what you're describing is definitely strange; this is the first I've heard of this specific issue. When you install 1Password 7 for Mac from the package installer, it looks for existing data from 1Password 4 - 6, in either of two locations: where "our" version would store it, and where the Mac App Store version would store it. If it finds any such data, it imports that data whole and then does a few other things, depending on sync method you had in version 6. But the actual SQLite database should be imported intact. I can imagine that process potentially failing completely, depending upon circumstances -- but I can't imagine any where the 1Password 7 installer would work in the manner described, correctly, except for every TOTP field. Is what I'm describing above what occurred in your case (the method of upgrading, I mean), or did you take a different route to upgrading?

  • mikejandreau
    Community Member

    Nope, I upgraded exactly how you described.

    Not sure what happened, but restoring an older version of my data fixed it up across all my devices.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mikejandreau - glad to hear it! :)

  • JulienLB
    Community Member


    the same here. I just migrated to 1Password 7, switching from local vaults/Dropbox sync to 1Password accounts. Lost all the totp Passwords when I moved them from my family account private vault to my team account vault. I posted yesterday about the change in the mini/extension interface which makes me lose time, now I am positively angry about this. I hope to be able to restore my totp passwords by activating the old local vault backup I fortunately still have.

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    I noted the totps loss on my Mac pro desktop workstation. I got them back by switching the wifi off on my laptop before logging into the OS, then opened the laptop's copy of 1password to display the totps from the not-yet-synced vault on that computer. Updated the IDs in the vault with the new totp keys and let the sync happen. What a near miss. If I hadn't noticed the loss before using my laptop I was done. You have a very critical bug here.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - I'm sorry for the trouble! Given that we've only heard two reports of this so far, I'm not convinced it's a critical bug, but I'd like to find out what combination of circumstances might cause it, since I was just able to both convert from standalone to a 1password.com account and transfer items without losing the TOTP codes from any Login items. You say you lost them when you moved the items from one account's vault to another account's vault? How many 1password.com accounts do you have signed into your copy of 1Password for Mac, and how did you move the items?

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    I have two accounts, one family plan as a personal account, one teams plan I supervise at work. I lost the TOTP codes when I transferred the logins from my private vault of my family plan to my private vault of my teams plan (using the latest version of 1Password for MacOs). The TOTP field was simply not there anymore.

  • That's really strange. I have the same setup as you (1Password Families for personal, 1Password Teams for work) and I'm able to copy items with TOTP codes on them back and fourth without losing the TOTP codes. Are you able to reproduce the problem? i.e. If you create a new item and add a TOTP code to it, then move it between the accounts, does it lose the code?


  • For my own records... here is the item in my Personal vault that is part of my 1Password Families membership:

    And here it is after moving it to my Personal vault in a 1Password Teams membership by right clicking on the item and selecting Move to Vault:


  • JulienLB
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    I tried and was unable to reproduce the bug. Since creating a new totp for my existing Id takes too long, I only duplicated one ID with a TOTP field from my private family vault and transferred the duplicata to my private team vault. TOTP was still there. I do confirm that I lost the TOTP yesterday. I don't understand. Maybe an interaction between android, windows and mac version of my 1Password clients (I use all 3) ?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - I don't know. You and the original poster in this thread are -- to the best of my knowledge -- the only two people who've reported this issue, and, like you, neither Ben nor I can reproduce it here. We're eager to prevent data loss and help users get back on track if they're having issues, but if you've already made the changes and saved the TOTP codes, I'm not sure how much help we can be.

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    @Lars - None needed at this point. I can only say that this totp loss happened and be positive about it, since I had one and only one copy of these perfectly functional totp IDs in my local vault, dropbox synced across my terminals. I opened a separate team 1password account, but still used my personal account for these Totp Ids. Then I subscribed to a family account, converted my local vault to it without any problem. The TOTP loss occurred when I transferred my IDs from the private vault in the family account to the private vault in the team account. That' all I can say.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - fair enough. As long as things are stable now, that's my main concern. Definitely keep an eye on things and let us know if the problem recurs or you notice anything else unusual. Just to make sure you're aware, all 1password.com accounts keep iterative backups of history, so you can always restore to a previous version of an item in the 1password.com web client, should data ever go missing on you for any reason.

  • chugheslcpc
    Community Member

    I upgraded to 1password v7 and most of my passwords are gone.

  • chugheslcpc
    Community Member

    How do I revert to version 6?

  • chugheslcpc
    Community Member

    I am on Windows 10 Pro

  • chugheslcpc
    Community Member

    Obviously 1PASSWORD support is no longer listening

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @chugheslcpc - I'm sorry for the trouble. We are indeed listening, and responding to user issues in the order we receive them. I assume you wouldn't want us leaving your request behind to answer people who had been waiting less time than you, so I know you'll understand when I say what we've been doing is answering people who've been waiting longer than you. I'm sorry for the delay. I do need you do re-read the Forum Rules and Reminders which you agreed to when creating an account, before posting anything else. Thanks.

    Can I ask why you're posting this in our Mac forum, if you're using Windows 10? Do you also have Mac devices on which you run 1Password?

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