May I roll back Password 7 to before I made yesterday's changes?

Community Member

After converting to 7 membership, I decided to change a bunch of passwords (while jet lagged.) I changed them in 7 but this morning realize I did not change the passwords on some of the websites. Now of course, I need to retrieve my old passwords from each site and start over. I think I read that I can go back and restore 7 to where I began. If I can, how do I do it?

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: 7.2.1
OS Version: 10.14 Mojave
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Rollback changes I made in passwords


  • griff2u
    Community Member

    I now see that I can revert one item at a time using item history.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @griff2u - I'm sorry for the trouble! You don't need to reset 1Password, you just need to know which websites you changed the passwords for in 1Password without actually changing them at the sites themselves. You can click the sort order menu at the top of the item list in All Items and set it to "Date Modified" -- that should show you the most-recent ones. In each record, scroll down and tap "Password History" - this will show you all passwords you've used (at least, all ones recorded by 1Password), and the dates. You can copy the previous (correct) one, and then either use it to sign into the site in question and change the password at the site to the new one you made while jet-lagged, or you can simply restore the previous one by editing the Login item in 1Password and pasting the previous one back into the main "Password" field.

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