After I upgraded to Mojave most of my logins & passwords have disappeared. Whats up?

Community Member

After the upgrade many of my logins and corresponding passwords have disappeared. Thank god they still exist on my Iphone. What can I do to fix?

1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.16
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:mojave


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @lchoi! I'm really sorry for the trouble, however logins and passwords don't just vanish. Can you please open 1Password for iOS on your iPhone and tap Settings > Vaults and tell me what you see there? Now, in 1Password 7 for Mac, please click Preferences > Vaults and check the same thing -- what is the number and what are the names of the vaults? Are they the same as on your iPhone?

  • lchoi
    Community Member

    Its interesting, on my phone I see two vaults listed, one is Personal and on my phone I see Primary. This is surprising as I didn't deliberately create a second vault. I have 163 items in the Personal vault and 203 in the Primary. I believe that the Primary vault is the one with all of my data. Any suggestions on next steps? Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lchoi - "Primary" is a standalone vault that's the one you'll have been using previously. "Personal" is part of a membership (account) that you created at some point along the way. Depending on how exactly you did it, you would've been reminded to migrate your data over from Primary into Personal, and then suggested to remove the Primary vault. If you chose not to do that, then you'll have both -- and I can't say where your data is at this point.

    Is the number of items in the Primary vault the same on both devices, Mac and iPhone? Forget about the Personal vault for a moment, just look at the Primary vault.

  • lchoi
    Community Member

    Thanks again for your help Lars. After digging I found that most of my passwords on my mac had been moved to the trash. Thats odd because I don't even go into the app that often, I tend to only use the extension. I was able to restore them. That said I still have two vaults on my phone and one on my computer so I'll need to do some research and figure out how to get this squared away. Im sure its a consequence of moving to the membership. I also don't understand how synching works with a membership so none of my devices are the same.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lchoi - syncing in a account is all done automatically via the servers. No need to fuss with external, advanced 3rd party sync APIs like Dropbox or iCloud.

    What I'd suggest is that you focus on one device at a time - make sure all of the items in the standalone Primary vault are also in the account's vault(s), then remove the Primary vault. In 1Password for Mac, you can do that by clicking Preferences > Advanced and UN-checking the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside 1Password accounts." In 1Password for iOS, you'd do it at Settings > Vaults > Primary > Delete Vault. Let us know if you have additional questions. :)

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