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Forum Discussion
Former Member
3 years agoFace ID Not Working [Fixed. Please see the approved answer for details.]

I have upgraded to 1Password 8 for Mac. Yesterday I had to re-set my iPhone settings and since then I cannot use Face ID to open 1Password. I have re-installed the 1Password app, checked to make sure 1Password is approved for using Face ID on my phone. Can you advise?
1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 15.6
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:face recognition not working
- Former Member
just adding that i am still having the exact same issue, even after updating my iOS to 16.3!
1Password 8, on an iPhone 11 mini, 16.3 iOS, and this started happening after a phone reset as well.
Nothing i have tried has fixed it. (reinstalled 1password, reset my faceid etc) face id is fine on all other apps.
Glad to hear that a fix is worked on and coming. Hopefully it releases soon. Ill keep my eye out for it, and report back to help debug.
Besides this one issue, 1Password has been fantastic for me.
- Former Member
I have had the issue described on 1pwd 8 shortly after I purchased. Have seen the posts for over a month ( many have had the issue much longer) that an update is coming soon - this is unacceptable for a mobile app developer to allow a user experience issue of this magnitude go unresolved for this long. This is clearly a major issue that 1PWD either cannot resolve or had to make such a significant change to fix it required a long turn around to fully test. Regardless - the TBD on the time frame means they may not have a fix identified or issues may yet persist / they cannot release / are not confident on release timeframe. There are other solutions on the market - I can not type my master pw multiple times a day for another day. Moving on.
- jdiv726New Contributor
1P_Dave Unfortunately that post says nothing about when this update will be available. @kurious While I am usually a patient person this thread was started in August. I'm sorry but I, and others, am a little tired of being the beta testers for a piece of software that was rushed out of the door. The other thing is someone like 1P_Dave or someone as high up the food chain have said nothing about us paying full price for a product whose problem have been going on for months. Either they don't have a reasonable answer or since it's subscription based now there's is no urgency. I just don't understand how the management team can ignore this for so long.
To me it speaks of how they view their customers. Did I mention that 1P_Dave or other MANAGEMENT persons will not answer simple questions. I guarantee there is NO way they would pay full price for a car they purchased that didn't have the features it was supposed to. Cable (or whatever you use) that you are paying for 50 channels but only getting 25. Adobe Photoshop that only had 3/4 of the advertised features.
I am tired of the "I'm sorry's", "Thanks for your patience" etc.
- 1P_Dave
I'm sorry that Face ID isn't working to unlock 1Password on both your iPad or iPhone. Our developers have a fix for the issue and we plan to release it as soon as possible. My colleague Peter provided some more information here:
- gkgriffithNew Contributor
I'd had an issue previously with Face ID not working to unlock 1Password with iOS devices, but after an update it seemed to work fine. Now, Face ID does not work on either my iPad or my iPhone to unlock 1P and I have to type my 1P password each time to use 1P.
1Password Version: 8.9.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16.3
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Face ID is not working for 1Password on my iPad - Former Member
@kurious That’s why Apple Beta Program is existing, to let developers testing their applications before releasing them to end users.
- Former Member
Not the fault of 1P dev? You are serious? Yes it is!
How can you explain that 1P7 FaceID on Safari extension is working and not in 1P8. Let's be serious. They decided to switch to Electron and now nothing is working as it is supposed to be. Those are the facts period.
- Former Member
I started using my iPad mini more often. When the update is done that's when it's done. I've unsubscribed from this topic.
We've been patient this long. Let's be patient a little longer. It's not the fault of the 1Password team. When Apple makes updates, some things stop working correctly and we work through them.
- Former Member
I also have the issue discussed in this thread: Face ID fails unlocking the app and I have to enter my passcode manually every time. Very annoying. Crossing fingers for the “major update to 1Password which is arriving soon”…
- Former Member
@BryanS FaceID on the Beta doesn't work as mentioned in my OP.