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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
4 years ago

How do I convert all of my existing "related items" into "attached files"?

Excited to see that items can now have attachments. Now how do I convert all my existing "related items" into attachments, since that's what I wanted the entire time in the first place?

1Password Version: 7.8.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.6
Referrer: forum-search:convert related files to attached files

  • Jack_P_1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @Indirect:

    At this time, 1Password for Mac does not support automatically converting related items into attachments. Manually creating attachments would be your best bet right now. I can definitely see how this would be useful though, so I'll go ahead and put in a feature request about this. :smile:


    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#969