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Free Family with teams can't linking to existing family. Credits and moving questions.

Community Member


Trying to figure out the best way forward. I have an existing family account paid until July and I think it has $10 credit. My employer is now providing a teams account for us which includes a family account. The instructions say that I can link to an existing account but that doesn't work since the team account has a different "region": x.ent.1password and my family account is The recommendation is to create a new account, myfam.ent.1password, and then move stuff to the new account.

I'm trying to figure out if I should do that now and what happens with credits.

Question 1 resolves around what happens with my current account in terms of subscription and credits. I believe I can suspend my current account which will add the remaining funds (say $20 for 4 months * $5) to the existing credit so it'll be sitting with $30 credit. Is that correct? Just looking to keep what credit I have in case I leave/retire from the business or they decide to drop their subscription.

Question 2a the resolves around what happens if I leave/retire. I assume my myfam.ent.1password account would just need some payment method to continue usage. Would I try and move the credit from my original account, or would I have to move all the data back to my original account and un-suspend it?

Question 2b the resolves around what happens the company decides not to renew. Would all the family accounts be removed as they exist in the ent "region" meaning I have to move back and un-suspend. Or would the continue to exist and just moving credits wouldn't work.

Or is there another option where possibly in the near future there could be linking across "regions" and linking myfam.1password to my x.ent.1password account would work and I don't need to worry about credits?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @kf0s

    We can definitely help with this. Could you please send us an email to from the email address associated with your 1Password Families membership? We're hoping to further automate this process in the future but for right now it requires a bit of manual fiddling on our end. When you email in you'll get a support ID from BitBot. Please post that ID here.



    ref: slack CG0FTLUFQ/p1551371995003500

  • nibblesandbits
    Community Member

    I have a similar question as my work is currently looking at 1Password as an option and I'm concerned about signing up before they do, but questions 2a and 2b bring up points that I hadn't thought about yet, and are things to consider.

    Is there any documentation about how this would work or do you guys just handle on a case-by-case basis? Sometimes companies don't provide a lot of notice and that could put us in a bind.

  • Hi @nibblesandbits

    The official documentation on linking a 1Password Families membeship to a 1Password Business membership is available here:

    Link a family account to your business account | 1Password

    Please note this is only available with the 1Password Business tier, and not the 1Password Teams tier. Generally you'll need to create your family's membership on the same "instance" / region of 1Password that the business does, but our billing team may be able to help if for some reason that isn't possible.



  • kf0s
    Community Member

    Support ID for email is: #AGU-62475-596

  • Thanks @kf0s. We'll be in touch via email soon. :)


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