New Version Bug? Edit from Chrome Extension opens web page to edit instead of the Mac App

Community Member

Something just changed: When I try to edit an item from the chrome extension, I now get redirected to a website to edit it, instead of letting me edit in the Mac App like it used to.

Is there some way to get the old behavior back?

1Password Version: 7.2.6
Extension Version: 1.15.2
OS Version: 10.14.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @bohmps

    It sounds like somewhere along the way you installed 1Password X, instead of the regular 1Password browser extension. 1Password X is primarily intended for those who can't (or don't want to) install the native apps such as 1Password for Mac. You can find the regular extension on our downloads page, above the listing for 1Password X:

    Download for Mac

    (Look for "an extension to your Mac app" instead of "no Mac app required")

    We do have integration between 1Password X and 1Password for Mac planned, but for now if you want the tight integration you're familiar with the regular extension is the way to go. I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • bohmps
    Community Member

    ah. ok yeah that makes sense. it was confusing for a bit! thanks for letting me know!

  • Ben

    No problem. :) Sorry for the confusion. Hopefully that sorts it out. :+1:


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