Cannot UninstalI 7.

Community Member

I have transferred to a new Mac. The V6 extension was not there, the only one on offer was for 7, (App Store) however I got the whole app which i do not want. I tried deleting (move to trash) but it keeps saying it is open. The desktop icon does not offer a close option.
Also when I tried 7 it just froze! I
This is a brand new Mac, I really hope this can be resolved.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSZ 10.14.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Cannot UninstalI 7. on New Mac extension not there only offered 7got the whole app, won't trash


  • Hi @man_of_the_people

    1Password 6 has been discontinued and is no longer being updated. 1Password 7 requires either a separate license purchase or a 1Password membership. We're no longer advertising licenses, but they are available for customers who are already familiar with that situation and are comfortable with the "DIY" approach they offer. I'd highly recommend taking a look at 1Password membership, which will give you access to the latest versions of 1Password for all of your compatible devices (no more separate upgrade fees). You can read about the benefits here:

    About 1Password membership

    If you decide to upgrade to membership instructions for that can be found here:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    We can't recommend using an older version. As a security focused company we'd always recommend running the latest versions of all of your software, but especially your operating system, web browser(s), and 1Password. If you opt to revert to an earlier version that is your prerogative, but it isn't something we can recommend. At most it should be considered a temporary solution. To uninstall 1Password 7 you'll have to quit it completely using the ⌃⌥⌘Q keyboard shortcut (control+option+command+q).

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • man_of_the_people
    Community Member

    Thank you for a prompt reply I have deleted it as per your instructions.

    With regard to updates I would respectfully make an observation. I am a single user linking pad/phone/mac & 6 does everything I need and more besides. I love the application and have recommended it to friends. I understand the need for you as a supplier for continuous improvement of your product in order to stay competitive but your extras are just things I do not need (and you removed one thing I loved:open&fill - I did read your rationale).

    Have you ever considered a "lite" version for the more simple user like myself who does not immerse oneself in the world of computers (I spent 40 years in IT, and now retired just want an easy life!).

    I wish you continuing success.

  • @man_of_the_people

    Thank you for the feedback. 1Password is already priced extremely competitively: $3/mo for a single user, and $5/mo for a family of up to 5 people. It seems we wouldn't be in a position to build a lower costed solution without outsourcing development and/or customer support, which is not really something we'd be excited to do.


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