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Can you have multiple vaults in single user one password account?

Community Member

I have been using the desktop version since v3 and have a number of vaults for different parts of my life and am looking at moving to the Account version. I have not found a definitive mention about multiple vaults in a single user account. I do see it mentioned for Family accounts, though.

Can I have multiple vaults in single user one password account?

From the reading I have been doing, it sounds like my Primary Vault will be the basis for my new account and then I am to delete that Primary Vault to avoid confusion. So I have been diligently cleaning up my primary vault.


1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac OS 10.14.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hello @ett2

    You certainly can have multiple vaults if you want to. I, personally, keep all my stuff in a single vault, but you can if you wish.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    Thanks @Corey_C
    When I first set up the account, I think only want to migrate the Primary vault so I can continue to clean up the other vaults. Can I add those later? Will it be evident on how to do that?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 I wouldn't recommend it. Keeping standalone vaults active alongside a 1Password membership is a recipe for trouble. I would recommend migrating everything at once, taking care of the clean up either before or after.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C What happens with the trash in the vaults? Is there a trash in the Subscription version? (I know Trash is not a good storage location, but it helps for processing my changes.)

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 Not only is there a Trash, but 1Password memberships go step further and have a full Item History. Take a look:

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C That's cool. But I just want to clarify...If I add a vault from my old version that has trash, the trash will be uploaded to the Membership version, right?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 I don't think they are, but I can certainly double check on that.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C That's ok. I'm handling it another way. In the membership version can you still move items from one vault to another?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 absolutely, you can do everything you have been able to do so far, aside from 3rd party sync.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C I ran into a bit of a snafu. If you could check to see if the Trash uploads also, that would help a lot.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C The problem I ran into is that I have a large number of items in my Primary trash. I wanted to move those to an Archive Vault for record keeping.
    My plan was to
    1 Move the good items (not in the trash) out to a new Primary Backup vault.
    2 Then I would restore the trashed items and move them to a new Archive Vault
    3 Then I would move good items back to the Primary account.
    But when I did step 1, it put copies of the good items in the trash mixed in with real trash.

    I think I can export out a .pif file of Trash items, but I'm not sure I can get them into anything else afterwards without screwing up my new Membership account.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 items getting moved to the trash is what typically happens when you move them from one vault to another as they are not so much being moved as a copy of them is being made in the destination vault with the original being deleted.

    You could just make a separate vault within your membership and import it there.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C Thanks. Thats explains that how the Move works.
    I already painstakingly restored the ~300 good items from the Trash so that I have my original good list back. I sorted the trash by date modified to tell the difference. But I still have my ~600 items to be archived in the trash. It looks like there is no way to put what is in the trash directly into another vault in the standalone version of 1PW. Unless the Membership version lets you do it.

    If the Trash uploads also, does that help me? Could check to see if the Trash uploads also.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    From some testing, it does not appear that trash items are carried over. As for putting items in the trash into another, different vault than the one they were deleted from, the only way to do that would be to export them and then import the 1pif file into that other vault. The Restore button moves them back to the vault they were deleted from.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C Thanks. I will give that a try.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @ett2 :) :+1:

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C All of my trash has now been archived in other vaults. Earlier you recommended migrating everything at once. Will it be obvious on how to do that when I go thru the process? In instructions it only addresses the Primary vault.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    The migration tool only used to be able to handle the Primary vault but this is no longer the case with 1Password 7. All vaults should be migrated as part of the regular process.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C I now have all of my vaults in the membership account. I have not deleted any old info, as I wasn't clear how to do that without messing anything up. I still have 1PW 6 and data files in Dropbox. What is my next step?

  • Hi @ett2

    The key bit is making sure none of the apps have a vault called "Primary" around anymore. If you'd like, you can also delete any 1Password related files from Dropbox. But that isn't necessary. If you do still have a Primary vault on any of the devices, you'll want to remove that. You'd need to remove any secondary standalone vaults first, and then delete the Primary vault:


  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Ben The 1PW 7 app has all of the same info as web web login. Should I not open the old 1PW 6 app - just delete it?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    If 1Password 7 is all set up with the proper data available then, yes, remove 1Password 6 from your device.

  • ett2
    Community Member
    edited September 2019

    @Corey_C Is there anything that needs to remain in Dropbox or is it all on your servers now? Anything 1PW related, that is.

  • ett2
    Community Member
    edited September 2019


  • With a 1Password membership there is no need for any 1Password files to be in Dropbox. :)


  • ett2
    Community Member

    Thanks for your ongoing help @Ben and @Corey_C. I am now trying to set up my home laptop and my Phone. There is also a tablet later.
    The laptop wanted to add one of two older versions of the data that has been out of sync for awhile with the desktop - part of the reason for moving to Membership version. I could not figure out how to "Tap Settings > Vaults > Primary."I don't want to upload and mix in any of it's old data.
    I have tried putting all 3 versions (6, 6.8.9. and 7) of the app in the trash (but not emptied) and I removed the data from dropbox (using the main computer). I downloaded a new 1pw 7 on the laptop. It still wants to open either one of the two old data files with different numbers of items in each.
    On the Phone I was able to delete the old vaults, but not the Primary Vault. It wants to sync with something.
    I'm not sure what to do.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    On the phone, delete the app and reinstall it. You will be given the opportunity to connect to the new account.

    As far as the laptop goes, 1Password 7 wants to open an older version of your data? You could just let it, add your account to 1Password and then remove the old vault. You will not be prompted to migrate data to an account that already has data in it. But, really, it should give you an option to not import and just go with the membership.

  • ett2
    Community Member

    @Corey_C Both are now set up! Thanks! :)

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Happy to help. @ett2. :)

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