Compromised login
Today I got a message in password that the data in my AgileBits account have been compromised and that I had to change the password to be safe. Message: Data stored by this website may have been compromised. Change your password to keep your account safe.
What does this actual mean? Is there someone who have gained access to my passwords? Have 1password got hacked? Is it that they have gained access to my forum password, in that case how?
Best regads
1Password Version: 7.3.712
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @andkan7917!
What does this actual mean?
You can find all the information about what happened here.
Is there someone who have gained access to my passwords?
No, forum data is completely separate from your 1Password data, exactly to protect you.
Have 1password got hacked?
No, 1Password has not been hacked. The notification relates to the forum account, which is entirely separate. You can find all the details and information in the link above.
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Ok. Thanks for the info
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You are welcome! If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.
Have a wonderful day :)
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Thanks, you to:)
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:+1: :)