Nothing happens when click edit of an item in new safari extension


if I see an item in 1Password safari Extension and click on "edit" nothing happens - Expected is that 1Password app opens with this item in edit mode already. Or at least 1Password web


  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    Hello again @telephoneman2!

    The combination of this post along with your other post leads me to believe the 1Password desktop app and Safari aren't communicating the way they should be. Can you open up Safari's Preferences for me? Click the Extensions tab, and let me know what browser extensions you see listed there. Here's mine, for example:

  • telephoneman2
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    yes that's enabled. Fill in works fine - but Edit not

  • Hey there @telephoneman2, I've tested this out on my end, and I'm seeing the same behavior - filling is working fine, but Edit isn't reacting. I've passed this along for the Dev team to look into. :smile: Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

    ref: /dev/core/core/#9222

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